Heads are relatively simple but can be finicky. Make sure each head has the right internal numbering, as too often I come across a situation where someone has modified the head number but not the internal numbering, and make sure they have the correct corresponding numbered plt for their internal bitmap reference. The 255 limit applies to each race.
Keep in mind: Heads 1-99 will show up in character creation if numbered sequentially without any break in numbers. For example, Bioware male human heads end with the Gith head (pmho_034) but if you start your new heads at pmho_036-099, skipping over 035, then character generation will still only show 1-34. Any heads from 050-099, while appearing in character generation, will not be available for use in the toolset. This is why CEP and some others repeat those same head models under different numbers after 099.
Heads 100-199 are available only by builders in the toolset (for NPCs) and do not need to be sequential for any in that range to be accessed by it. 200-255, however, can not be accessed by character generation or the toolset and must be either manually assigned (either by LETO or some other method) or accessed through scripting by a player (a body tailor or other method) within the game.
The silver head syndrome is usually caused by an incorrect internal numbering within the model for the head and/or plt. Once the toolset comes across one of these heads, it bungles the rest until you close the wizard and reopen it. Open the mdl file up in notepad and make sure all those internal numbers match the external number then view the head in NWNExplorer (where it will show up white as opposed to silver if it's off) before re-inserting it into a hak.
That being said, there are three or four high-poly heads I've come across who's plts wont look right in NWNExplorer no matter what but appear fine in the game and toolset.
Modifié par Malagant, 18 décembre 2012 - 09:48 .