Have a look in your source folder, there should be a CEP subfolder, such as "C:\\NeverwinterNights\\NWN\\source\\CEP24 Source". If not, open cep2_top_v24.hak with C:\\NeverwinterNights\\NWN\\utils\\nwhak.exe and extract the 2da from there.
Open the placeables.2da with notepad, add the lines for PHODs stuff at the end, and be sure they are sequentially numbered after the last CEP lines. ALWAYS add new content last, unless it overrides old content, so you dont break existing objects in your mod by inserting content (and thus offsetting old placable appearances, a messy affair).
Save, and add your new to CEP_Custom.hak or your own top hak. Either way other users will need a copy of the file containing your modified 2das to see the new content.
Modifié par Carcerian, 19 juin 2012 - 09:09 .