I have a problem with duplicating a race using the human (or elf) original files from NWN.
First I searched and copied all mdl and plt files with NWN Explorer for humans and decompiled with NWNmdlcomp and - 2nd try - NWN Carottes. The result seems the same for both programms, have not noticed any corruption of the scaling etc.
Then I renamed the files for use as another race/appearance type, without further changes. The prefix for example pfh0_* has also be changed inside the files using the tool RenameIt.
The appearance type is already added to the referring 2da data.
Odd results:
Torso and pelvis part 001 and 002: The texture for the female underwear is blurry and warped.
The "painted" toes on the original feet part 001 is missing, giving them a shapeless appearance.
Do not know whats going wrong, I thought I can make a 1:1 copy by only duplicating the files.
Sorry if this problem is already solved, searched in forum and via google for quite some days.
Modifié par Rakshar, 23 mai 2012 - 12:44 .