Author Topic: AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements  (Read 542 times)


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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2011, 03:04:18 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the finalists for the Joint NWN1 & NWN2 Best Sound/Music of 2009 Award for Neverwinter Nights!

Christopher Escalante - Christopher likes to work different variations on a common theme. From a modder's perspective that's actually incredibly helpful because it allows choosing an underlying theme for some aspect of your mod, and then using different variations on it in different situations and circumstances as appropriate (much as one would do in scoring a movie).

From the light guitar to the more serious piano, heroic, call to arms and sad themes, Christopher delivers a wide range of musical themes that provoke the listener to lean forwards in anticipation!

J 'Wildfire' Town's - This conjured images in my head immediately.  At first I thought of Faeries, then as the piece went on, I pictured walking through a forest.  The pictures fit together, which is a sure indication that the music has no jarring qualities.

Simply beautiful, soft and unobtrusive but still memorable, creating great atmosphere - soothing, sad or strange. Great music like this just serves to remind us how poor the engine is for allowing us to properly choreograph game play.

Travis "Darklord Snafe" Richards - Mr. Richards has been an active musical contributor to the NWN community for a long time, and has continued that tradition through both of the last two years.

Always experimenting and striving to improve on his works, Travis' compositions range from the battle theme, lullaby's, triumph, remorse, love, sadness and much more. There is something for every scenario and his creative flow is constant.



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2011, 03:20:18 pm »

               Isn't there something for persistent world creators?


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2011, 07:00:41 pm »


SuperFly_2000 wrote...

Isn't there something for persistent world creators?


As has been stated elsewhere, the AME doesn't have enough members that are involved with Persistent Worlds.

The request remains for folks that wish to have PW content involved, to get involved themselves with the AME.

It requires time to peruse multiple PW's, play through them to an extent to be able to make a valid judgement on the content, writing, DM'ing etc...  

There is also the Conflict of Interest rules.  If you are involved in a specific PW, then you can not nominate, nor judge anything to do with that specific PW, nor likely any other PW that is in competition with you.

That last bit makes it really tough.  Most folks appear to play on a single PW only, and don't have the time to go play on others.  Once they hang around that PW for a length of time, they tend to get involved in other ways too (besides just playing) and this recuses them from being able to judge if they become a "participating creator" for that PW.  This would mean, a player that hangs around long enough to become a DM, is excluded from judging their own PW as they have a conflict of interest there.

Please note:  The above "Assumes" that the strict Conflict of Interest rules used by the AME for SP content is applied to the PW content.  However, since there are not enough PW players involved currently in the AME, there are no "standards" to choose from/against or rules in place, OR content related categories that have been created yet.

What all of this means, is that the AME desparately needs new members in relation to PW content, and could always use new members for the SP environment as well.  If you join now, to help with the PW content arena, you get to help decide what categories should be awarded, and what "rules" are followed for those categories.


                     Modifié par Bannor Bloodfist, 18 septembre 2011 - 06:02 .



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2011, 12:57:01 am »


SuperFly_2000 wrote...

Isn't there something for persistent world creators?

This came up recently on another thread, which I recommend for a more complete discussion. To summarize:

AndarianTD wrote...

Although we do have a category for multiplayer modules, the AME primarily covers work in NWN's single-player community. Partly that has to do with the focus of our awards, and the design differences between SP mods, MP mods, and PWs. But mostly it's because in practice, we have had almost no support from NWN's Multiplayer and PW communities, despite repeated efforts to reach out to and solicit members from those communities in the past. As a consequence, even the AME's one MP category has now gone unawarded for several years in a row...

So yes, Community Contributions with an MP / PW focus may well have ended up being overlooked by the AME in the past... But not to put too fine a point on it, that's less by our choice than it is by the choice of the members of NWN's MP player and builder communities. Anyone who would like to see that change can help out by signing up...

The AME has always wanted to expand its coverage of the NWN and NWN2 multiplayer communities, and we've had a number of long discussions about what we could do to help bring that about. Former Chairmen have repeatedly reached out to the MP community, and I'll be happy to reiterate that call here. But in the end, we can't
conscript anyone to help us make that happen. Most of our volunteers historically have come from the SP community, and only the community's MP and PW players and builders can help us change that.



                     Modifié par AndarianTD, 19 septembre 2011 - 12:06 .



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2012, 04:02:53 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the Golden Dragon Award winners for the NWN1 2011 AME cycle!

Golden Dragon Award Winners for the NWN1 2011 AME Cycle

This cycle included awards for works released in 2010.

Feel free to use the thread below to discuss the nominees and the awards, and congratulations to all the winners!

NWN1 2011 AME Cycle GDA Finalists and Winners Discussion thread



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2012, 11:07:54 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the new finalists and winners from our Spring 2012 Quarterly Review:

AME Spring 2012 Quarterly Review

Congratulations to the new Finalists and Winners!

AME Chairman



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2012, 07:16:57 pm »

               A news update from The Academy for Modding Excellence:

"There has, conversely, been a reduction in membership and activity on our Neverwinter Nights 1 awards over the last year. I think that’s partly been due to the game’s continued aging (it’s now 10 years old), and the understandable tendency for players to gradually move on to more recent ones. From my contacts in the community, however, it is clear that there is still considerable interest in Neverwinter Nights 1, and that it is not yet time to draw a line under this remarkable game.

"Much of this interest is in the custom content community, with ongoing projects like the monthly Custom Content Challenge and the new release of Project Q v1.5..."

For more, see here:

AME News Update: Summer 2012

AME Chairman


                     Modifié par AndarianTD, 26 août 2012 - 07:27 .


Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2012, 07:32:35 pm »

               Content and innovation wise this year has been a hit already imo and we´re just half way trough the storm;)


                     Modifié par NWN_baba yaga, 26 août 2012 - 06:33 .