Pstemarie wrote...
What is a Zero World Scale Check Failed? error.
It usually means the scale on one or more objects in your scene has been changed at some point and that you haven't performed a ResetXForms. GMax/Max keeps track of certain transform operations on your objects, like scaling. It's not really apparent that it keeps track of some of these transforms and it can bite you later when you export the model to NWN, usually in the form of a model which is differently scaled than you expect. You get rid of these transforms by doing a ResetXForm. That takes the transforms on an object, turns the data into a modifier on the object (in the modifer stack) and collapses the stack. NWMax version is a "nicer" version of that because it doesn't collapse some modifiers, or copies then and reapplies the modifiers after collapse, I forget..
If you don't collapse these transforms using ResetXForm you can get a "Zero World Scale" sanity check. Check in the MaxScript listener window, I believe it will actually tell you which node failed the check.
I keep getting this whenever I export my carrion crawler model with NWMax. If I use the reset X-Form tool it goes away, but comes back the next time I import. HELP!!!
That's odd that it would come back on reimport. I try never to import anything with NWMax that I don't absolutely have to. I'd save it out using a Max file as I develop it, only exporting to a NWN .MDL when I'm done or want to test it. So don't store models in .MDL format between editing sessions, if that is what you're doing.
With that in mind, If you're not getting the sanity check warnings on export after a ResetXForm
and your exports are working in-game, are scale warnings after reimportation still important to you?
Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 10 décembre 2011 - 03:40 .