<packing his pipe...>
If I didn't have so much in the pipeline now, I'd think about it. I like both the Silver & Gold dragon-halfs... I'd like to use them as a half-way combat form for the dragons that walk disguised among us :-)
But why would you want to change the great work Ryuujin put into the legs? You can add the top bits (dynamic) to the bottom bits (static) much as Eligio did with the Wemic. The tedious bit, from what I see, is converting all the armor models, and the Armory was made for just that opportunity.
Anyway, I am disappointed I can not help you, but if it's still on the wish-list when I get around to creating my Child races, I'll toss that in the blender (well, actually, I'm using GMax now...), at least the way I've outlined it above.
<...with Captain Black Royal>
Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 10 septembre 2011 - 09:22 .