Author Topic: Earth Goddess floating on air?  (Read 291 times)

Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Earth Goddess floating on air?
« on: September 05, 2011, 08:19:59 pm »

                <gazing up...>

I did something.
Dunno what...

Ok, the goal was to set Gaia in the earth, so she is wading through it like water.  Scaled her up and grabbed rootdummy and all children and lowered her down. 

Works great in GMax. But as soon as I get her in the toolset, she's floating above my head (about where she would be if she was standing on her feet... if she still had feet...:-P

How do I get her to accept a global position change without hand crafting every anim key on every child?


(Ps What's the trick to posting images here?)

< wild wonder>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 05 septembre 2011 - 07:30 .



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Earth Goddess floating on air?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2011, 10:22:12 pm »

               I'm thinking there are position keys on her pelvis_g or rootdummy which are either in your current model or a model she's supermodeled into.  I'm not sure how that exact positioioning would come about- is your animation scale cranked up or something?  And did you perform the scaling with the Scale Wizard in NWMax?  Did you just scale a single model, alone, or multilple models which she's supermodeled into?

Either way, I think position keys are causing your problem.  Maybe post or PM  a link to her so I or others can take a look?  If it was me doing this, and I haven't done this before, I'd break her out of the supermodel chain before scaling her up with the Scale Wizard.  And before I ran the Scale Wizard, I think I would have swiped the animations I wanted on her from the supermodel chain (but just the ones I wanted) by using NWMax -> Anim Tools -> Anim Mapper.

Basically, make her into a creature.  Or that's what I'd do, anyway.  Why?  I think when your creature is that big, if you supermodel them into the a_ba/a_fa chains you start running into problems based on scaling or any time your model seriously differes from the function of those models.  So, instead of having a F (full) in her MODELTYPE column in the appearance.2da, she'd have S or L type animations.  The NWN Omnibus tells me that on Page 99 of the Custom Content Guide, they go into the differences between S & L types so you can choose the right one if that's the tack you want to take.

So, two paragraphs above I talk about swiping animations from the supermodel chain she's likely supermodeled into.  I think you'd have to rename some of those animations if you change her model type from Full to S or L.  Creatures have anims usually starting with "c", like so the animation "run" becomes "crun".  If search your NWMax installation for a file called "Character.nam" and load it up in a text editor and then search down for "-CREATURE" you're going to see a nice little list of animations for various actions and their names, which will be called by the engine if the MODELTYPE is set to S or L in the appearance.2da.

If even 70% of the above is accurate I'll be happy.  ':whistle:'  This touches on a lot of things I've "sort of" messed with but don't really have much experience in.  Hppefully someone more knowledgeable can step in and give better direction.


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 05 septembre 2011 - 09:22 .



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Earth Goddess floating on air?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2011, 10:48:47 pm »

               BTW, if you want the image to display in your message add (openbracket)img(closebracket) before the image's url and (openbracket)/img(closebracket) after it.  I think that should do the trick.

You can click on the BBCode button twice to make sure that it took effect.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Earth Goddess floating on air?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 05:24:28 pm »

                <looking very grateful...>

TY, OTR :-)

I read your response yesterday, understood it and wrote a nice long reply..., in fact (since Starbucks ate it) I can say it was the best damn reply I ever made, the most pendatic, prosaic, praiseworthy purple prose you ever saw! =)

Unfortunately, I only had 20 mins online and, with 30 secs to go, I was horrified to see my reply (complete with images!) vanish when Chrome crashed while renaming a very long screenshot name in the middle of an upload... never do that :-P

Hence my silence :-/

So, what I did: 
 - Unlinked all my custom goodies (Crown of Flowers, internal woody skeleton, etc)
 - deleted all the stuff based on the nymph.
 - imported a fresh, dewey, sloe-eyed wench, er, nymph (have you seen her taunt? Brilliant! ;-)
 - Removed the a_fa supermodel - Remapped all the a_fa anims (most of which I will cut out :-P
 - scaled her up (wizard), chopped off her head_g and relinked the custom stuff.  This worked... mostly :-)

(See my blog) (The "url" thing didn't work for me)

For the part that didn't work, where Sylvi'a channels both "The Ring" and "The Exorcist", see my next post :-/  

Be scared. Very, very scared.

<...and very scared. Very, very scared>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 07 septembre 2011 - 04:29 .