Author Topic: OK, how do you do it?  (Read 368 times)

Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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OK, how do you do it?
« on: September 03, 2011, 06:55:56 pm »

                <throws down his tools...>

Ok, I've got a (very crude) texture for Gaia with foliage (and blossoms) over branches & vines and an alpha channel cutting out all the empty spaces... Looks good (ok, fair) in GMax... looks good (ditto) in the toolset...
Totally crappy in-game :-(
The alpha masked areas are either white or chrome (depending on env?).

So I loaded up the CEP Lizardfolk Lich Chief, which has cool translucent armor (in the toolset) and... nope, solid as lead :-(
(note: I maxed out *all* my video options (except shiny water, which it wouldn't let me select :-P) on my poor old laptop... fps was 3! Didn't make a difference...)

So I looked at the Treant and the Treegiant models and I noticed all the alpha masked bits (puns always intended ;-) are on planes and open geometry, not closed solids.  And they do work.

Here's my questions:
 - Is there a way to alpha mask solids and I just don't have things set up right in GMax? 
 - Has anyone done this? What models should I look at?

Right now I'm thinking of three other approaches I might take:
 - Slicing open the geometry. This has the added benefit of giving me layers of material at the expense of double or triple faces.
 - doing like the Treegiant did and surrounding the body (shrunk down to twigs) with a snow-storm of planes. More faces and truly ugly if re-textured w/ barkskin or stoneskin.
 - subdividing the mesh and cutting out faces :-P Fun.

Any suggestions? Observations? Rules of thumb?

<...after smashing his thumb>



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OK, how do you do it?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2011, 07:01:05 pm »

               To make an alpha channel on a creature act as transparency, you need to make sure the "envmap" column in appearance.2da for that creature is set to ****


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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OK, how do you do it?
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2011, 07:08:06 pm »

               <grabs his stupid hammer...>

Ha! I'm off to try that! =)


<...and knocks himself out trying to salute>


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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OK, how do you do it?
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2011, 07:14:11 pm »

                <tosses _six...>

That did it :-) 

Luv ya, man... and you can have my bud light!

<...a glow-in-the-dark rose>