<staring in dismay at a thousand mixed up scrolls>
Eventually I want to master GMax and sculpt my own models... Shouldn't be too difficult, having mastered Sculpt 3D, Turbo Silver, Imagine and AutoCAD... (My grey beard seems to get longer with every obsolete skill-set :-( Would prefer to learn Blender, but I see no real support for NwN/Blender2.5)
But, until then, I want to at least rough out a couple modules.
One of my prime requirements are the Child Races created by the Elven during the Restoration:
- Wolfen - Human build with wolf (not scary wereworf!) head and reskinned body.
- Felen - Elven build with cougar head.
- Bruen - Fat, er, Large 1/2 orc build with bear head.
Eventually (see above :-P) they would have the short-femur hind legs of animals as well... but for now I just want to change their heads so I have something to go with.
I know I can do that with a dynamic humanoid blueprint, but I can't find the heads. Too much (good!) information! If no one has ever created animal heads, I will be absolutely astounded! So, what I am asking is if some kind (or supercilious or even comtemptuous, so long as it gets me further along ;-) person will tell me where to find the models I need. (Heads. Animal heads. Just that... for now)
Edit: And a fox... is there a fox anywhere?
I am using both expansions and CEP 2.4 (and looking hard at Project Q)
<exits singing "Fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fish heads...">
Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 02 août 2011 - 03:36 .