Pstemarie wrote...
After spending over an hour tracking down an overlapping line on a walkmesh, I have a request...
Is it possible that if a faulty walkmesh is detected on export that the offending vertices can be highlighted on the model in some manner. That way I can snap a screenshot of the mesh and then use that as a reference when fixing the issue. Right now I'm stuck selecting vertices until I find the right one. Granted, the sanity file lists the coordinates of the vertices, but its still a pain tracking them down on a mesh that has a lot of geometry.
The wok checker tool from Veltools has those features and always worked better than the one in NWmax. I haven't tried NWmax plus yet. If its wok checker is based on the one from NWmax, maybe taking a look at Veltools might be a good idea to improve it.
Veltools only highlights vertices though. If you have double faces, finding them is not so easy. They are listed by number and you need a script to select a certain face by number.
I usually go to the editable mesh, select faces and then execute a script like
setFaceSelection $ #(81)
where 81 is the number of the face I need.
A little tool which would enable a user to enter the number of the face and then select it automatically would be nice.