That's 22 words, or already close to 1% there while barely scratching the surface. As you highlighted, Monk also appears to need a buff and there's many more glaring issues than Fighter AB.
Well, I was expecting you'd say that would be more than 22 words since you were talking about flavor text -- which meant I thought you'd expect the TLK to be changed to include that or something.
Frankly I've never seen that 75% rule before so I'll need a reference showing that it does, indeed come up often, or at least a supporting argument before I believe that claim is valid. Also, if the world was designed for powerbuilders, wouldn't the objective be to build mobs that would hard counter dominant builds rather than make things easy for them by designing mobs inaccessible to other builds?
It was mentioned a lot a few years ago in discussions with Kail Pendragon, Webshaman, and several other of the more active forumgoers. The basic idea is that full BAB classes hit most of the time, 3/4 BAB classes hit like 50% of the time, and lower AB builds can still hit like 25% of the time on the highest attack. I generally balance my module AC assuming that rule for a recommend button fighter (which gets 4 less AB than an optimized fighter).
If the world was designed for powerbuilders, then you expect every physical attacker to be something like a buffed up strength cleric, AA, or WM and thus they have extremely high AC. The monk would exist only to tank.