Author Topic: Starting Strategies In A Particular Module  (Read 417 times)

Legacy_Nick The Noodle

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Starting Strategies In A Particular Module
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:16:10 pm »


Some starting strategies are well known.  In the OC, you bypass all the monsters you possibly can at the start, and once you have met and talked to Fenwick, then gone back into the academy to pick up some easy xp.


What are your best solutions?

Here are two of my examples.  Plus one I've failed in.


BR1 - The Fall of Ullad

An easy, but not guaranteed start to The Fall of Ullad, is sneaking past all The Cutters, and taking the exit to the North.  You will be given a quest that will take you to level 2.  This fairly easy as long as you only shoot a missile weapon at the Zombies, and run away rather than melee.  Being level 2 makes all the difference when you arrive back on the first main map.  Back on the main map, being a missile expert helps on escaping this area.  There is no chance you can fight through the creatures guarding the exit.  What you can do is fight all the other encounters here and reach level 3.  Tough but very doable. Remember to run away to one of the few non unfriendly people when possible. Then you use your missile weapon while the enemy attack that person.  To escape the first map, shoot at the group guarding the exit, and run past the Druid and pet to the south.  The Cutters will be held up long enough for you to circle them and escape.  Remember to be stealthy or hidden Cutters at the exit will attack.  


Endless Nights III

This module killed me every time, on and off, for months, proving I'm not as good at NWN as I would like to think.


It took a specific strategy and a specialised sets of tactics to get to level 40 without being killed, and even then, luck played its part. And I've only done it once, although two other characters came close (out of gazillions).


Essentially the strategy is NOT to gain xp!?  Instead, the strategy is to complete quests to gain Points?  Points mean prizes, or rather the ability to modify a specific weapon or ring.  Given that if you let the game know your preferable weapon (using weapon focus or the improved critical feat), it will generate multiple magical version of the type as you progress through the game.  Some of these will be extremely powerful.  That allows you to take the magical ring option.  Most of the benefits are defensive, and all are useful.  However, the minimum amount of quest points to gain an ability, or improve upon one, is 5.  That means you usually need 5 Boss creatures to die to gain a lesser ability.  Better abilities cost 10 Points or more, and Boss creatures are often Impossible targets.


You will be aiming for at least 5 quest points per level.  This is impossible at lower levels, but very possible to do so by level 10-15.  It is only by being overly magically equipped that might get you through this module.


You will be looking for speed and concealment from either class or magical ring abilities, but the spell Warcry spell once per day is a must.


There are various tactics that need to be employed in this module.  The first is to NOT fight everyone at the same time.  You will die. And every time.  At low level, you need to use a missile weapon to draw off the outer guards, fight those, and slowly progress inwards until your Mark is dead.


I probably should have said it earlier, but you gain the quest point for killing the Mark.  Try not to kill anyone else.  Once you do kill your mark, run and go invisible/hide in plain sight.  Improved invisible is one of the spell options that you can buy for your ring.  However Warcry (at low levels) will remove the vast majority of the Marks bodyguards.  This will remove most of the guards and make killing the mark more efficient. 


Other Modules

Revenge is Bitter Sweet I could not complete.  The 3 Water Elementals that made my PC's take three DC20 checks to prevent drowning I could not pass.  Not even when I ran away, was being stealthy at the time etc.


Sometimes a module is just too difficult for a particular individual.