neverrun v0.7 is on the horizon. the big change is the parsing of ServerDesc.txt. For those servers interested in such a thing you can see what I've started here: I know this all a bit historical fiction given the player counts, etc; but it's basically a standard YAML metadata (for homepage/forum/webchat) + markdown (actual description of server and features). These are open text-based formats that any site that shows server listings could support to improve (new) player friendliness.. And there really are very few limits on how much that can be improved (imo). That's the only goal here. There are also no limits on how things can be expanded. HAK updaters, event calendars, etc, etc.
Example of a test: (ServerDesc.txt) This is just a dumb test of the markdown parser don't get hung up on the formatting, you can literally do anything HTML can. Really simple and powerful.
If anyone has any suggestions or feedback i'd love to hear them.