Author Topic: Mind shard of Pandorym  (Read 487 times)


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Mind shard of Pandorym
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:08:48 pm »

               I have installed PRC on NWN  for quite some time, but so far I've not used much of its classes (only a pixie in the OC).
Now I want to try a Psion, I think it's a cool class. The problem is that I do not know what the big enemy would be suitable for my (epic) character.
But on the Internet I found this creature, the mind shard of Pandorym:

hp 475 (50 HD), fast healing 30; DR 15/epic and good LE Huge outsider (evil, incorporeal, psionic)
Init +2; Senses
 darkvision 600 ft., blindsight 600 ft., detect thoughts, low-light
vision, true seeing; Listen +63, Spot +63 Aura mental subjugation (30
ft., Will DC 48), psionic draw Languages telepathy 1,000 ft., tongues
AC 39, touch 25, flat-footed 37 Miss Chance 50% (incorporeal)
Immune anathematic secrecy (malefic property), critical hits, sneak attacks, sonic; elder evil immunities
Resist cold 20, fire 20, negative energy 10, positive energy 10; SR 35
Fort +36, Ref +33, Will +39
Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)

Melee incorporeal touch +50 (1d6 plus 2 per divine caster level of target)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Base Atk +50; Grp +58
Atk Options
 Chosen of Evil, Empower Power, Epic Psionic Focus, Improved
Metapsionics, Opportunity Power, Quicken Power, Twin Power, aligned
strike (evil)
Special Actions Dark Speech, divine enervation (malefic property), divinity siphon, summon undead 3/day, vampiric ego whip 1/1d4 rounds

Power Points/Day 483; Telepath Powers Known (ML 20th):
9th—apopsi (DC 31), microcosm, psychic chirurgery (DC 31), reality revision (DC 31), urge extermination
8th—bend reality (DC 30), matter manipulation, recall death (DC 30)
7th—crisis of life (DC 29), divert teleport (DC 29), energy claw, energy wave (DC 29), ultrablast (DC 29)
6th—mass cloud mind (DC 28), co-opt concentration (DC 28), psionic disintegrate (+50 ranged touch, DC 28), stygian bolt (DC 28)
5th—catapsi (DC 27), ectoplasmic shambler, leech field, mind probe (DC 27), psychic crush (DC 27), shatter mind blank (DC 27)
4th—death urge (DC 26), psionic dominate (DC 26), thieving mindlink (DC 26), schism
 of breath (DC 25), dimension twister (DC 26), dismiss ectoplasm (DC
25), dispel psionics, hostile empathic transfer (+50 incorporeal touch,
DC 25)
2nd—brain lock (DC 24), concussion blast, read thoughts (DC 24), psionic suggestion (DC 24)
1st—deceleration (DC 23), entangling ectoplasm, force screen, sense link

Psi-Like Abilities (ML 20th):
 will—aura sight, detect hostile intent, detect psionics, far hand,
psionic identify, psionic knock, know direction and location, psionic
lock, mindlink (DC 23), missive, touchsight
3/day—fate of one, inertial armor†, null psionics field, psionic telekinetic sphere (DC 31), reddopsi
 buffer, energy ball (DC 27), energy cone (DC 26), energy current (DC
28), energy missile (DC 25), hypercognition, tornado blast (DC 32)
† already manifested

Abilities Str —, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 35, Wis 31, Cha 37
 corporealize, incorporeal traits, limited existence, nondetection,
nonlinear time awareness, sign (seal of binding), swift focus,
telepathic backlash

Ability Focus (vampiric ego whip), Chosen of Evil, Dark Speech, Dark
Whispers, Empower Power, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Psionic
Focus, Evil Brand, Improved Metapsionics (5), Iron Will, Filthy
Outburst, Opportunity Power, Power Knowledge (2), Psionic Meditation,
Psionic Talent (5), Quicken Power, Twin Power

 Autohypnosis +64, Bluff +66, Concentration +58, Decipher Script +65,
Diplomacy +78, Disguise +13 (+19 acting), Gather Information +66,
Intimidate +72, Knowledge (arcana) +65, Knowledge (psionics) +71,
(religion) +65, Knowledge (the planes) +65, Listen +63,
Psicraft +71 (+77 addressing power stones) Search +65, Sense Motive +63,
 Sleight of Hand +61, Spellcraft +71 (+77 deciphering scrolls), Spot
+63, Survival +10 (+16 on other
planes, +16 following tracks), Use Magic Device +66 (+72 scrolls), Use Psionic Device +66 (+72 power stones)

Detect Thoughts (Su)
 As the detect thoughts spell (PH 220); continuous. This ability
provides basic information as if from concentrating for 1 round. A mind
shard can focus for additional rounds to gain more information.

True Seeing (Su) As the true seeing spell; continuous; caster level 20th.

 Subjugation (Su)[/b] Creatures within 30 feet of a mind shard must
succeed on a DC 48 Will save every round or be affected as if by a
dominate monster spell (CL 25th). A creature that succeeds on this
saving throw takes 1 point
of Wisdom damage instead. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Psionic Draw (Su)
 When a creature within 90 feet spends power points to manifest a
psionic power, the creature must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15
 + power level) or spend double the normal number of power points. Even
if the creature succeeds, the mind shard regains a number of power
points equal to the normal cost of the power. If a creature fails the
check and doesn’t have enough power points to manifest the power, the
power doesn’t manifest and no power points are lost.

Divine Enervation (Su)
 All divine spellcasters lose the ability to regain spells so long as
they remain within 1,000 miles of a mind shard of Pandorym. This
interdiction does not interfere with spellcasting.

Divinity Siphon (Su)
 As a standard action, a mind shard of Pandorym can form a siphoning
bond with a creature within 90 feet that can cast divine spells or has a
 divine caster level of at least 1st. The caster must make a DC 48 Will
save to resist this ability. If the bond is established, the caster
gains 1d4 negative levels per round. For each negative level the caster
gains, the mind shard heals 20 hit points. The bond lasts for up to 10
rounds, or until the mind shard breaks it or the caster dies. A caster
who receives as many negative levels as Hit Dice dies and rises as a
dread wraith in the following round. A mind shard can have only one
siphoning bond active at a time. Maintaining a bond requires no effort.

Summon Undead (Su) Three times per day, a mind shard of Pandorym can summon one of the following undead groups:
2d4 allips, 1d3 ethereal oozes, 2d4 quells, 1d6 wraiths, or 1d3 dread wraiths.
The undead arrive in 1d4 rounds and serve for 24 hours or until released.

Vampiric Ego Whip (Su)
 As the ego whip power (DC 27), but requires only a swift action, and
the mind shard regains 2 power points per point of damage dealt. A mind
shard can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.

Psionics (Ex) A mind shard of Pandorym can expend the equivalent of 20,000 XP on powers that have an XP cost.

Anathematic Secrecy (Su) A mind shard of Pandorym is immune to all divine divination spell effects.

Corporealize (Su)
 As a move action, a mind shard of Pandorym can materialize a part of
itself into a corporeal form, usually a pseudopod or tentacle. The mind
shard uses this ability to interact with the material world outside
 combat—picking up or moving objects, opening doors, and so on. It
corporealizes in combat only to move an item out of the reach of an
enemy, to disarm a foe wielding a ghost touch weapon, or to otherwise
remove something that can harm it. A mind shard can have up to twelve
corporeal appendages in existence at one time. An opponent can make
sunder attempts against an appendage as if it were a weapon. An
appendage has 40 hit points and does not gain a deflection bonus to
Armor Class (giving it an AC of 26). Severing the appendage deals 20
points of damage to the mind shard.

Limited Existence (Ex)
 A mind shard of Pandorym exists for only 24 hours before evaporating. A
 mind shard reduced to 0 hit points immediately evaporates. A mind
shard’s evaporation does not affect Pandorym’s mind in any way.

Nondetection (Su) As the nondetection spell; continuous; caster level 20th.

Nonlinear Time Awareness (Su)
 As a native of an alien reality, Pandorym senses the flow of time
differently from how ordinary creatures do. This ability grants a mind
shard of Pandorym an insight bonus to its Armor Class equal to its
Intelligence modifier (usually +12).

Swift Focus (Ex)
 Three times per day, a mind shard of Pandorym can regain its psionic
focus as a swift action. Doing so requires a DC 40 Concentration check.

Telepathic Backlash (Su)
 Whenever a creature targets a mind shard of Pandorym with a telepathy
power or an enchantment spell, the manifesting or casting creature must
immediately make a DC 48 Will save. A creature that fails this save is
affected as by a feeblemind spell.

Immunities (Ex)
 Elder evils have immunity to polymorphing, petrification, and any other
 spell or ability that alters their form. They are not subject to energy
 drain, ability drain, ability damage, or death from massive damage.
They are immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities. Most elder evils
 have immunity to a specific energy type, depending on their nature.

Is there a module on NWN Vault that includes this creature?



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Mind shard of Pandorym
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2013, 01:08:15 am »

               Not to my knowledge - there just are not that many adventures that include psionics that I know of.


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Mind shard of Pandorym
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2013, 11:43:24 am »

               AFAIK WebShaman is correct about the creature. WS is also correct about the psionics as well... But that might change sometime in the not too distant future if this month's custom content challenge is anything to go by.



                     Modifié par Tarot Redhand, 21 décembre 2013 - 11:17 .