CLARIFICATION / PARTIAL REPOST ( this topic specific to the art needs of ) is the oldest and largest community web site for NeverwinterNights (both NWN1 and NWN2). Traditionally it has offered a 'game event matching service' where DMs could post notice of their scheduled events and members could be permitted to 'reserve a seat' at such events as PLAYERS. Tied into this game event matchmaking service is a database of servers, and a message board.
In the last week of March 2012, after a very successful and storied run of a decade's length, the the founders of, Shawn Schultz and Gilaun, passed control of the site (all data, domains and ownerership) to a new team.
For reasons related to cost and security the new team is embarked upon a project to re-build the site maintaining compatability with the old data. In addition to this code overhaul (the first such major overhaul in a decade) the new site will need VOLUNTEERS to provide new original art for the website as a donation.
This new website will be positioned well and art displayed there will be viewed by many. Artists who provide art for this poject will be credited for the work, and permitted a link back to their website if desired. Artists interested in helping us in this matter who have quesations should contact me ( Ehye_Khandee by PRIVATE MESSAGE on this forum ). Artists requesting an email address for submissions will be provided with one.
THANK YOU for your interest in helping us rebuild
KUDOs to you and THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING. To be totally up-front about this engagement, we are asking you to donate your original works to fill the modest needs of the new - the art you provide, you provide with full rights to re-use in perpetuity and grant that we may transfer those rights along with the site to the control of another in the future, such rights will always be conveyed with the site ownership. YOU will receive a text credit on the credits page of the new web site, along with this credit, at your option, we will include a link to an internet location of your choosing, and/or a link to email you (while disguising your email addy from bots with our best digital subterfuge).
If you submit any art to me at the above email address, you acknowledge the terms set forth in the preceeding paragraph apply.
These three paragraphs (this and the above two) are the whole of the agreement between us should you agree and signify this by sending art to the above email address.
For artists approaching the creation of the requested images, the text below will often refer to 'replacement art for filename' - the prior art designted 'filename' can be viewed at this URL:
ALL REQUESTED ART SHOULD BE MADE FOR USE ON THE WWW. We prefer color art but if the work is good, will consider other simulated or scanned medium styles (such as pencil, charcoal, etc.). THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOWCASE YOUR TALENT AND HELP YOUR FAVORITE GAME COMMUNITY.
This first section has to do with the art used in the new site's marquis.
LOGO - font/look of your choosing '' this should be done to 'stand out' on a dark background'... provide in original format and .png - sized LARGE so we can 'reduce to fit'. LOGO should be square in format. PLEASE send a sample also suited as overlay to the following banner art. NOTE good LOGO art can be reproduced WELL in 1, 2 and 4 color printing, this should factor in to the LOGO design.
(high priorty) Replacement for 'nwtavern.jpg' in same aspect ratio. We like the idea of a 'fade to black' on the left side of image, beyond that, you have carte-blanche. Please try to represent the NWN / NWN2 theme as broadly as you can (this is a diverse game so it may be challenging to conceive of the imagery to elicit a 'fits most of NWN' need - but praise be, there are talented persons like you to help us out there). Provide in original format and .png - 2200x472 pixels.
(lower priorty) NEW ART - in the same aspect ratio as 'nwtavern.jpg' to be used in the NWC FORUM - we ask you to do something that would 'evoke historic forums with a fantasy flair' beyond this, you have carte-blanche. 2200x472 pixels.
(lower priorty) NEW ART - in the same aspect ratio as 'nwtavern.jpg' to be used in the NWC LIBRARY - we ask you to do something that would 'evoke a library with a fantasy flair', beyond this, you have carte-blanche. 2200x472 pixels.
(lower priorty) NEW ART - 'Realms' are aka server clusters, e.g. two or more related NWN or NWN2 servers. What we would like for this one, done in the same aspect ratio as 'nwtavern.jpg' - is to have something illustrative of portals/transit from "world to world", beyond that, you have carte-blanche. This piece will be used in the head of the server/realms search pages. 2200x472 pixels.
FOR ALL THE ABOVE LISTED BANNER ART - please provide the art in native format and in .png format, both formats with and without the overlay of text ''
(high priorty) REPLACEMENT CHARACTER - traditionally, NWC has had a dwarf figure in the lower right corner. This character without a name that I know of - in some images seems to have the character of 'Dungeon Master' from the old D&D Cartoon series looking over his shoulder. This honestly alarms me as the IP for the cartoon is NOT even remotely conferred to NWN and has nothing to do with NWN. Whimsical, sentimental or whatever, I don't want that infringement on my watch. We respect IP here. All that said, what we need are one or more 'characters' to replace the friendly dwarf. In _some_ of the old dwarf's images (sorry, I was unable to locate them in time to send with this package) the dwarf held a plain white placard (like a small sandwich board in advertising parlance) - I rather liked the idea of the NPC depicted having 'signage space' that we can fill in with black or red text and links that change page to page. So, whhat we need from you are one or more characters (of approximate same size image) to replace the dwarf. The character or characters you provide should fit 'standard nwn/dnd' and be one of the 'classic' races; dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, human, half-elf or half-orc. The character should be outfitted as a DND character in whatever tasteful act you might envision that could involve either wearing signage or standing before signage (where we will insert text)... signage should be in the lower left quarter of the image, so that the character faces toward the center of the page. 880x1152
(lower priorty) new/replacement art - small dragon icons, dragons sleeping, dragons 'breaking down the fourth wall' (e.g. looking at reader), dragons on treasure, in flight, etc. general purpose small dragon icons we can use about the site as buttons or accents. Beyond these few pointers, YOU HAVE CARTE BLANCHE on this too. keep size to 100x150 please. Submit in original format and as png.
(high priorty) replacement art - we need a new image to replace the 'NoImage.gif' (also in samples sent). Same size, as png file and original format please. 256x512
(lower priorty) animation - we need animation of a dragon doing a 'banner sized' swoop onto screen and drop object which bounces and resolves in near vision field as a scroll which features words "NEW MAIL" on it, as dragon takes wing up and out of view. This animation will play anew with each page-load while there is unread messages in the Members' inbox (the image will be engineered into the page to load only once, so it will have a small bandwidth usage overall). The swooping dragon should be done on a transparent background so it can appear 'in the foreground over' the banner and such links there. 880x1152
(high priorty) For the botproofing tools, we need images with a group of standard D&D races shown, one dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, halforc, halfelf, and human PC in any scene you like. Be sure each race is recognizable as what it is by a human viewer as the users will be required to pick out the dwarf/elf/etc to create a new account. These pieces should be prepared as 1200x1200 pixel images. We will need a total of about 10 pieces (minimum) in this category so we don't present the same image every time.
Disclosure - We have appealed to the community and were met with responses from only a few artists. We hope to enlist a few artists to assist us here, THIS IS TO GIVE US OPTIONS - and to be an 'insurance policy' if you will, ensuring that we get at least one image suited to each use. The characters, we will be using (randomized) from page to page, so we'll need your efforts in that section of the page (variety is good there, you can use any 'look' you please to convey your desired message - e.g. sepia tones to help set the mood on a human sleuth entering a doorway is as OK as is bold realistic imagery with blood dripping from sword as the warrior pokes the anonymous monster body at his feet. . . whatever YOU as an artist feels best suits the piece you are making - the variety in your chosen styles from character to character helps us emphasize just how versatile NWN and NWN2 really ARE.
Where the banners are concerned, we'll choose from among the submitted pieces, but reserve the right to use all the good works you provide even if that means using them on other parts of NWC besides the one outlined in the paragraphs above.
YOU WILL GET CREDITED on the credits page for NWC as well (please provide us with the text and any email or web addy you might want associated with your name there - we reserve the right to reject inappropriate links).
WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ASSISTANCE AND VOLUNTEER SPIRIT! The community will appreciate your submissions for years to come.
If you can only do PART of the above request, please do. We need artistic assistance.
Thank you.
Be well. Game on.
Modifié par ehye_khandee, 27 février 2013 - 01:14 .