Here's a sample modification of VerifyPlayernameAgainstCDKey that handles the Good Old Games public cd key:
int VerifyPlayernameAgainstCDKey(object oPlayer) {
int nBoot = FALSE;
string sUnencoded = GetPCPlayerName(oPlayer);
string sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sUnencoded);
string sKey = GetPCPublicCDKey(oPlayer);
string sStoredKey, sAddingKey;
string sSQL = "SELECT val, tag FROM pwdata WHERE name='PlayernameKey" + sPlayer + "'";
object oMessenger = GetMessenger();
/* there's at least one key stored already */
if (SQLFetch() == SQL_SUCCESS) {
sStoredKey = SQLGetData(1);
sAddingKey = SQLGetData(2);
/* they indicated that they wanted to add a key this login */
if (sAddingKey == "Adding") {
/* their current key is not in the key string, add it unless at 7 keys already */
if (FindSubString(sStoredKey, sKey) == -1) {
int nKeyLength = GetStringLength(sStoredKey);
if (sKey == "Q7RREKF3") {
DelayCommand(19.0, FloatingTextStringOnCreature("WARNING! You are using a public cd key from GoG. Check your chat log for more information", oPlayer, FALSE));
DelayCommand(20.0, SendChatLogMessage(oPlayer, COLOR_RED +
"We do not store the public key provided by Good Old Games, because it would allow anyone with that key to log in to your account. The key will not be added to your list of allowed cd keys." + COLOR_END, oMessenger));
/* must mark as no longer adding */
sSQL = "UPDATE pwdata SET tag='Set' WHERE name='PlayernameKey" + sPlayer + "'";
} else if (nKeyLength > 61) { /* allow 7 keys max key-key-key-key-key-key-key 6 spacers + 7x8 keys = 62 */
nBoot = TRUE;
/* must mark as no longer adding */
sSQL = "UPDATE pwdata SET tag='Set' WHERE name='PlayernameKey" + sPlayer + "'";
/* add the key to the string */
} else {
sSQL =
"UPDATE pwdata SET tag='Set',val='" + sStoredKey + "-" + sKey + "' WHERE name='PlayernameKey" + sPlayer +
DelayCommand(25.0, FloatingTextStringOnCreature("New CD Key Successfully Added!", oPlayer, FALSE));
/* let them know they already had this key in their string */
} else {
FloatingTextStringOnCreature("CD Key Addition Failed! This key already listed for this account!", oPlayer,
/* must mark as no longer adding */
sSQL = "UPDATE pwdata SET tag='Set' WHERE name='PlayernameKey" + sPlayer + "'";
/* they are not adding, and the cd key doesnt match those listed - boot and log */
} else if (FindSubString(sStoredKey, sKey) == -1) {
string sReport = "INCORRECT CD KEY DETECTED! ID: " + sUnencoded + "; Name: " +
GetName(oPlayer) + "; CD Key: " + sKey + "; IP: " + GetPCIPAddress(oPlayer) +
":" + IntToString(GetPCPort(oPlayer));
nBoot = TRUE;
/* new account, add the key */
} else {
if (sKey == "Q7RREKF3") {
DelayCommand(19.0, FloatingTextStringOnCreature("WARNING! You are using a public cd key from GoG. Check your chat log for more information", oPlayer, FALSE));
DelayCommand(19.5, SendChatLogMessage(oPlayer, COLOR_RED +
"Everyone who buys a copy of NWN from Good Old Games gets the cd key you are using. This can cause many problems, including an inability to log in whenever anyone else is using the key. You should refer to our Installation Guide at for instrucitons on how to obtain a private cd key form GoG." + COLOR_END, oMessenger));
DelayCommand(20.0, SendChatLogMessage(oPlayer, COLOR_RED +
"We do not store the public key provided by Good Old Games, because it would allow anyone with that key to log in to your account. The key will not be added to your list of allowed cd keys, and anyone will be able to log in to your account, until you obtain a private key." + COLOR_END, oMessenger));
} else {
sSQL = "INSERT INTO pwdata (val,name) VALUES" + "('" + sKey + "','PlayernameKey" + sPlayer + "')";
return nBoot;