Author Topic: Changing character in ongoing game...  (Read 853 times)


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Changing character in ongoing game...
« on: September 30, 2010, 04:17:57 pm »

               I startet as bard and later added shadow dancer and  Arcane Archer and am near the end of atc 2.
But now I really want to play something else (ranged combat is just not my style I guess). 
I want to make him into a rogue/fighter.
I already tried Leto and tlkedit, but I always ended up with either the game being unable to load, or getting "character has too many feats" when leveling up.
I thought about making a new character (character creation module) with the same Level, and starting at the beginning of act 3, but I am not sure how my companion quests are affected by this.
I definitely do not want to lose my progress with them.
Basically my questions are:
Is there any way of changing my character's starting class?
Is there a way to take over quest progress from one character to another?



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2010, 04:45:21 pm »

               I assume you're playing the OC. If you keep the specific "henchmen quest items" you already got in your next inventory, (You could also spawn them (Tip N°31)) and the very same name for your PC (maybe the same alignment would aslo help?) you should be fine.
Use Shia’s sunniest brightest trick ever (Tip N°32) in my worldwide most famous  "Add-ons & Tips from the NWN Community" list, rebuilding your PC's levels, or making a brand new one which seems to be your choice, with the Pretty Good Character Creator / Customizer, by styzygy & hohos (Tip N°22) and "import" that new PC to replace the unwanted one, in the very former savegame of your choice!, through your own multiplayer session. The one latest savegame I hope you didn't trash...
If those quests are broken there is that unbelievable Henchman solutions thread, about it, by our upmost magical HipMaestro
The only thing I don't know about you might keep being identified as a bard still...
As I think almost everything regarding the module and what and how you already played it gets stored "somehow" within the savegame.


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 30 septembre 2010 - 04:01 .



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2010, 09:55:53 pm »

               Wow, thanks for that very informative answer jmlzemaggo.
Lets see if I got everything:
1. I make a backup save (called test or something)
2. Create a new character with exactly the same level and name
3. Start a multiplayer session and load my savegame
4. Chose the new character (named after my former PC) as my new PC
5. Save again
6. Load that new save in singleplayer and I have everything in the inventory, journal etc, my former PC had?

That would be awesome!


                     Modifié par Varhjhin, 30 septembre 2010 - 09:05 .



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2010, 10:41:30 pm »

               Try it first, and then only thank the community. It doesn't come from me. I just collected it.

*** You'll have in your new inventory only what you put it within the character builder module.
you first import your old PC into that builder, make a save! in the special chest of the all the items you want to keep for your next one PC, and re-enter that builder (new game) with your new PC, and pick-up everything you saved earlier in that box which should have kept your former inventory if you didn'y forget to pull the side-lever accordingly.
That is also the best time for cheating with the forge and all. But don't do it. Please? ':bandit:'
It gets very addictive... ':devil:' 
You probably could switch gender as well, but again I have no idea how the game is going to see you. I think I did it once, and it went fine.

Now good luck. 'cause you gonna need it... :innocent:

(Don't forget when you launch the multiplayer session to choose the PC on the right. Don't ask me why. I have no idea about those things. It's magical. It's NWN... ':wizard:')


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 30 septembre 2010 - 09:50 .



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2010, 10:49:37 pm »

               Okay... sans the nifty customizing utilities and possible wonkiness they could cause... here is what I would do if wearing your shoes:

Write down your character level from finishing Chapter 2/Luskan.  Let's just say for the sake of argument, it was level 14.  Now you have a metric to build your "preferred" new character, right? 

Next I would load up Halls of Advanced Training, a nifty small module that is a handy building/testing application.  Then set your final level to whatever you recorded from Chapter 2 and level a new character however you like. Then save the character.

Now you have two choices.  You could definitely just mule all the stuff over as jml suggested using a multiplayer game.  The problem there is that unless the stuff you found for the older class suits the new class, you'll be selling most of it anyway and buying to suit your new class.

An alternative is to load your original character, de-level back to level 1, then re-level how you like,  use the Halls merchant area to assess the gold value of all your equipment,  sell it all and buy all new stuff in the merchant section.  Now, you may be tempted to buy the kewl godly stuff, but resist that and stick with just standard equipment.  Then save the character again and you are ready to start Chapter 3.  (Be sure to select the correct character version when you start up the OC.)

Now... the only things missing when you start the new game (if you opted for a new character from scratch) are any of the henchman quest-specific stuff but that is really no problem.  Just use the console to spawn in the appropriate version of each reward.  I'll assume you did all hench quests, so you need to spawn in 6 items total.  Make sure to turn off debug mode after all the items have been procured.

Personally, I think this method is far faster and easier than using a multiplayer set-up with the back-and-forth loading, but it is your own choice.  Either way works just fine.

Once you have all the prerequisite hench rewards (see the Henchman solution sticky for the console codes), you will be starting at ground zero for that chapter just like it loaded at the end of Chapter 2.

Now I bet you don't know WHAT to do, right?  So many choices, so little time!

Good luck and enjoy your "new" life!  '<img'>


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 30 septembre 2010 - 09:59 .



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2010, 10:49:44 pm »

               Ok forget this last post, I misunderstood the first answer. Well ok, I will play to the end of chapter II then. Thanks again.


                     Modifié par Varhjhin, 30 septembre 2010 - 09:54 .



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2010, 11:00:06 pm »

                Use your last savegame, and "import" your new PC through the multiplayer session into that very one savegame. You should "land" at the very same spot you left with your older PC.
Glad you made it! Even if I'm kind of pissed you succeded so easily actually... ':devil:'

@ Hip
Can't you just put the henchies "quest items" in that smartest "save chest" (if using the Pretty Good Character Creator / Customizer, by styzygy & hohos (Tip N°22) ) and just pick them up later with the new PC? And buy/exchange for the new rogue/fighter class in that same builder module?


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 30 septembre 2010 - 10:05 .



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2010, 11:48:50 pm »

               Hm, now I am confused again. Because that landing at the same spot thing did not work.
I loaded that savegame in multiplayer, selected my newely made rogue (same name as former PC) and stood at the beginning of chapter 2. With the greeting NPC and the first entry for the chapters main-quest...
Edit: Ok I know I am becoming a confusing force of utter chaos, sorry for that.
I tried it again and this time it worked flawlessly.
The odd thing is, that with the first try I did not get the option of choosing my old save character or the newly made. The game just forced me to the beginning of the chapter with the new character.
But this time I got the option to choose, chose my new character, and there I was. Right before the portal to Luskan, with the correct Journal entrys and everything. Hurray!
Now I will try that henchmen-item thing as well (stashing them in the chest in the character creation module). 
Edit: I can officially confirm, that staching henchmen items in the chest of the "Pretty good Character Creator" works.
I could take them out with my import-character, loaded him into the savegame and he as them all in his inventory.


                     Modifié par Varhjhin, 30 septembre 2010 - 11:13 .



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2010, 02:32:31 am »


jmlzemaggo wrote...

@ Hip
Can't you just put the henchies "quest items" in that smartest "save chest" (if using the Pretty Good Character Creator / Customizer, by styzygy & hohos (Tip N°22) ) and just pick them up later with the new PC? And buy/exchange for the new rogue/fighter class in that same builder module?

You'd know better than me, j-m.  I don't use the PGC '<img'>

To me, it's just faster to de-level with the Halls and restart at Chapter 3.  If I was real near the end of chapter 2, I'd complete it and then start the next one with the reconfigured one.  I mean, there are no more hench quests in Luskan and the PC won't be leveling much either. If you go the de-level route, all the items will stay in inventory, you'll maintain the same character name and you don't need to monkey around with the stashing and loading routine.

The only real hitch in this method is starting a fresh Chapter 4 where there will be a henchman problem. No need to go into details due to spoiler potential, but I am sure you understand what of I speak.

I tend to keep things as low-tech and trouble free as I can in this current life.  I am still upset I can't get that dang FastCast Rod to work in the campaigns.  It would have been a real boon for those of us on the verge of carpal tunnel from all the incessant buff-clicking.  But I digress... sry



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2010, 09:06:08 am »

                @ Varhjhin
You have no idea how much I'm desperate that you made it so easily.
But, I'm afraid... congratulations are in order!
That would have taken me days to understand my own babbling, and Hip's one as well. Well at least, he speaks a proper english... sometimes.

@ Hip
Glad to know you. For this kind of things:
"It would have been a real boon for those of us on the verge of carpal tunnel from all the incessant buff-clicking.  But I digress..."
You probably had no idea about the importance to me of what you just wrote here at the time you did: This is the way to express in proper english what I've been thinking my whole NWN life. It's quite simple: I so hate buffing up! It's nothing to me but time consuming. Working, as I'm supposed to be playing! And I assume 1000 times worst in multiplayer. I probably did it only 5 times all together along my entire player road. I don't really see the point of a paladin spending hours in front of his soooOOOooo beloved, and, eventually beloving, mirror making himself stronger and shinier... when a basic fighter has already finished the job hours ago, and is waiting smoking for the holly guy to be hopfully done with himself within the next week.
That's why I always play "aggressive" PC, with only offensive spells, even for the clerics, a class I tend to use almost as a pure devastating spellcaster.
When the magic hurles out instead of wasting in self. (Straight from french, 'hope it makes sense instead of proper grammar...)

I tried your builder, of curse: First it's fun, and a lot easier to work on the PC herself than mine, stats and all. Piece of cake.
I miss two things in it though, beside the lack of CEP update: The forge, in which I could easily spend some hours and that smartest "save chest", the one allowing you to save special items from any PC and module you already played, like those "OC henchmen quest items" for instance, a trick that apparently worked pretty well for Varhjhin.
I wish there could be only one builder combining those two. As always...

... which finally takes me to the only true matter, according to your signature:
This is driving me mad, and I'm reaching the skys. ':whistle:'


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 01 octobre 2010 - 08:33 .


Legacy_Shia Luck

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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2010, 06:11:03 pm »


HipMaestro wrote...
I am still upset I can't get that dang FastCast Rod to work in the campaigns.  It would have been a real boon for those of us on the verge of carpal tunnel from all the incessant buff-clicking.  But I digress... sry

jmlzemaggo wrote...
@ Hip
Glad to know you. For this kind of things:
would have been a real boon for those of us on the verge of carpal
tunnel from all the incessant buff-clicking.  But I digress..."
probably had no idea about the importance to me of what you just wrote
here at the time you did: This is the way to express in proper english
what I've been thinking my whole NWN life. It's quite simple: I so hate
buffing up!

If you have a full size (not laptop) keyboard, i.e. with a numberpad, you don't need to use the mouse to buff yourself up. 0 (zero) activates the radial menu on yourself, 9 takes you to spells and then use the buttons as you would the mouse. 5 takes you back a step. Soooo an epic spell would be 0, 9, 6, [the number corresponding to the spell position]. A lot quicker than mouse and far less painful.

Have fun '<img'>



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2010, 08:40:15 pm »


Shia Luck wrote...

If you have a full size (not laptop) keyboard, i.e. with a numberpad, you don't need to use the mouse to buff yourself up. 0 (zero) activates the radial menu on yourself, 9 takes you to spells and then use the buttons as you would the mouse. 5 takes you back a step. Soooo an epic spell would be 0, 9, 6, [the number corresponding to the spell position]. A lot quicker than mouse and far less painful.

Have fun '<img'>

Leave it to Shia to come to the rescue for the physically-challenged. '<img'>

So THAT'S what that little group of keys is for that I only use when ppreparing my tax return.  Looks like I'll need to start practicing soon so I can put it to use on-line.


P.S.  Apologies for straying OT, OP.



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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2010, 08:40:40 pm »

               What would we be without a woman?

Nothing but men I suppose...

Glad to know you too, blanket! 'Posted

Have fun shopping, dearest! 'Posted



Legacy_Shia Luck

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Changing character in ongoing game...
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2010, 10:31:25 pm »

               Glad to help guys *grinning*

Love the rogue pidgeon jml <>

(The really easy way to buff is buy a logitech gaming keyboard. Program it all in and it becomes a one-key buff. A rod of fast cast that works anywhere. '<img'>  Except my G11 just broke Whaaaaaaaaa!!':crying:' )

Have fun '<img'>