Author Topic: NWN and incredible lag  (Read 847 times)


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NWN and incredible lag
« on: July 13, 2012, 12:38:01 pm »

               So I recently bought the Diamond version of NWN from GOG, hoping for some fun and nostalgia. I installed and, after finally figuring out how to actually get the game to start (had to uninstall CCC and install an older version), I figured I could play the game. I was wrong.

After starting a SoU campaign and trying to open the first door, a wave of massive lag hit the game, followed by a lot of audio crackling. The lag not only affected the game itself but also the menu and was so crippling that playing the game became utterly impossible. I checked the Task Manager and noticed that the memory usage of the game dropped from around 120 000kb to 3000kb (not sure if it's relevant, but it sure as hell is weird). 

I am running on Windows XP and have an ATI Radeon HD 4850 driver. I have tried reinstalling the game, along with disabling hardware audio. Not sure what else I should try. Halp, please?

Oh and also, the nwnconfig.ini (not sure if it'll help):

OS=Windows XP v5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 3
Type=Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU 
E6750@2.66GHz     Vendor=GenuineIntel
[Video Card]
Type=ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
Desktop Resolution=1920x1080
Desktop Color Depth=32
Open GL]
OpenGL Installed=1
OpenGL Version=3.3.11318 Compatibility Profile Context
ATI Driver=
nVidia Driver=
[Direct X]
DirectX Installed=1
DirectX Version=DirectX (9.0+) (
DirectX Build=
Last Run=13.7.2012 14:40:34
Location=E:\\Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition\\
Path=E:\\Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition\\
StartMenu=C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Käynnistä-valikko\\Ohjelmat\\\\Neverwinter Nights Diamond EditionGUID={7C503E58-B2BC-11D5-978A-0050BA84F5F7}
Latest Installed XP=2
Latest Installed XP Name=Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition
Drive Info]
C:\\ [FIXED]=    70174084 K
FreeD:\\ [FIXED]=    34569316 K
FreeE:\\ [FIXED]=    43581848 K
FreeF:\\ [CD ROM]=  (Unknown)

Thank you.


                     Modifié par sanepane, 13 juillet 2012 - 11:46 .



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NWN and incredible lag
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2012, 03:48:56 pm »

               My guess is you're having the same problem I had years ago when I upgraded my computer from a single-core cpu to a dual-core cpu. in nwnplayer.ini, in the [Game Options] section, find the line that looks like this:
Client CPU Affinity=0
If it isn't set to 0, make it so, and if the line isn't there, add it in the [Game Options] section.
As always, before you change anything in any ini or other config file, make a copy of the file to be safe.


                     Modifié par Empyre65, 13 juillet 2012 - 02:49 .



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NWN and incredible lag
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2012, 06:00:29 pm »

               I'm betting Empyre nailed this one. 

In case the affinity adjustment doesn't work, try disabling shiny water, setting the sound to 0 (in the ini, not via hardware settings)  and/or subsituting XP's Service Pack 2.  There have been some situations documented in the past where SP3 caused a conflict (probably driver-related) but your basic configuration is one that should run reliably.  If you have any security/virus software running in the background, disable it mainly as a diagnostic test. You may also try to uninstall/reinstall the 1.69 patch just in case a file got corrupted and make sure you have used the Critical Rebuild version of it.  It only takes a single byte out of synch to muck up the works. '<img'>


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 13 juillet 2012 - 05:06 .



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NWN and incredible lag
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2012, 09:36:11 am »

               The Client CPU Affinity was already set to 0, so that wasn't the answer. '<img'> How do you substitute XP Service Pack 2? Also, where can I find the sound in the .ini? I found one in the nwn.ini named DisableSound that was set to 0, was that what you were talking about?

Ran the critical rebuild patch and disabled shiny water, going to try it again now (also with firewall disabled).

EDIT: Well, after trying once with no results, I tried turning the sound completely off and that didn't work either. Still incredibly laggy, still a big drop in memory usage (~3000kb, but uses 40-50% of memory). Maybe it's the SP3 thing like you suggested?

Thank you both for helping, by the way. '<img'>

EDIT2: I'm going to try and install an even older version of catalysm and see if that helps. This computer HAS been able to run this game before, very smoothly even, so this is all very weird.
EDIT3: Nope, no good.


                     Modifié par sanepane, 14 juillet 2012 - 09:27 .



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NWN and incredible lag
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2012, 05:20:11 pm »


sanepane wrote...
How do you substitute XP Service Pack 2?

Try this procedure.

Also, where can I find the sound in the .ini? I found one in the nwn.ini named DisableSound that was set to 0, was that what you were talking about?

That's the line, but I had it backwards thinking the keyword was EnableSound.  '<img'> So to turn off game sound change the 0 to 1 and see if that changes performance. (Whenever you modify ini files either take notes as to exactly what you changed or make a copy and rename it to a temp name.)

EDIT2: I'm going to try and install an even older version of catalysm and see if that helps. This computer HAS been able to run this game before, very smoothly even, so this is all very weird.
EDIT3: Nope, no good.

It would be handy to know what driver was in place in the configuration that worked well for you.  It may take some tedious driver juggling, trying older and older versions to discover the "magic" formula.  You may be able to locate a driver before the Catalyst series was released.  I use an ancient ATI driver myself and have no issues with XP SP2 playing NWN.  But mine is a single core machine so you may need to adjust that affinity as Empyre suggested.  Some times it may not be a single cause that results in the observed abberation, but rather a combo of a few.  Keep plugging away and you should be able to resolve your issues.

edit: ummm... you DO have a soundcard installed rather than integrated sound, right? Also, I believ we are all assuming your ovverride & hak folders have no custom files in them.  If they do, move them all out to a temporary folder.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 14 juillet 2012 - 04:28 .



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NWN and incredible lag
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2012, 09:42:20 am »

               I have realtek HD audio manager, does that count? Also I'd imagine (if realtek isn't what you were asking about) that I do have a sound card installed, as I am still able to run other, newer games without a hitch.

I'll try reverting back to SP2. And, if that doesn't work, I figure I'll just give up. This is just far too frustrating and it keeps ruining my days. '<img'>