Author Topic: [Linux] Game Crashes on New Campaign [SOLVED]  (Read 574 times)


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[Linux] Game Crashes on New Campaign [SOLVED]
« on: May 25, 2012, 03:15:02 pm »

               I have Linux Mint Debian. I followed the instructions found here:

Everthing seemed fine until I tried to start a campaign, or join an online server. [What I mean by 'seemed', is the graphics were alright, and the sound was fine, and the movies weren't playing - all to be expected.]
Yes, I run ./nwn from a root terminal.
According to this site:
I meet all the requirements.
The folder that Nwn is in, is within my permission, and I run the game through root, so I'm thinking it might not be that. Usually from what i've seen, people are just having sound troubles, but that doesn't seem to be case for me.
I'm at a loss because usually when an application crashes, I get an error, or report of some kind, but I haven't seen one for NWN.

Any help would be appreciated, and thank you for your time.


                     Modifié par madoracle, 27 mai 2012 - 05:59 .



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[Linux] Game Crashes on New Campaign [SOLVED]
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 05:53:37 pm »

               Hi madoracle,

first things first: Don't play as root. If you own the nwn folder and the files within, then that is absolutely not necessary. For good measure, do the following:
sudo chmod -R a=rX,u+w <your_nwn_folder>
sudo chown -R <your_user_name>: <your_nwn_folder>

Then, make sure that the ./lib statement is remvoed from the line starting with
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./miles
in your nwn start script.

Third, try adding in the following line:
export MALLOC_CHECK_=0
right before the ./nwmain call.

And, of course, make sure that you have working 3D acceleration.

dmesg or syslog may contain information on why your nwn crashes. Did you do a fresh install on your linux box or did you copy it over from an existing windows install? If fresh, how did you do it?

HTH, if not, come back.


                     Modifié par Skildron, 25 mai 2012 - 04:54 .



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[Linux] Game Crashes on New Campaign [SOLVED]
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 05:31:50 pm »

               First off: thanks for trying to help.

I am glad to say that I am actually experiencing errors now! I think it is the second one that is the more important of the two - and the most perplexing.

ALSA lib pulse.c:243:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused

Segmentation fault
Perhaps it has something to do with where it saves stuff.. but I doubt it. Probably some dumb mistake of mine somewhere.

Unfortunately, your first 'sudo chmod' does not work for me.
It says that a=rX is not valid.

nwn Editing:
So I removed ./lib, but is this the end result of the line?
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./miles
There was a :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH also.

3d Acceleration:
glxinfo|grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RS690
   GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex,
Not sure what that means, but the fool inside me says yes, 3d acceleration.

Error Logs:
Unfortunately, dmesg or syslog did not have any errors associated with NWN. In fact, the only thing I could find was my "desktop" mod, and its confirmation that it was working - nothin else.
Thankfully, the terminal is finally spitting out some errors.

Yes, I "Fresh Installed" Linux Mint Debian. No dual boot, complete erasure of windows 7. It could possibly be driver confliction, but I doubt it.

If you're referring to the installation in itself...

I followed the instructions here all the way to the "./nwn" instruction. I didn't encounter the error that everyone else was having, but I ran that last line anyways. Unfortunately, going into the file, I see that that last line had no effect.

I have installed it on PlayOnLinux, but that install doesn't get me far either. The game usually crashes when I go into another area. So I have to go to another area, save, restart the game, load the game, etc. etc. Very annoying.


                     Modifié par madoracle, 26 mai 2012 - 04:44 .



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[Linux] Game Crashes on New Campaign [SOLVED]
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2012, 02:29:22 pm »


madoracle wrote...

First off: thanks for trying to help.

I am glad to say that I am actually experiencing errors now! I think it is the second one that is the more important of the two - and the most perplexing.

ALSA lib pulse.c:243:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused

Segmentation fault

Not that scary. It just says that pulse_audio cannot hand over sound to alsa drivers / libs. That usually means that your sound hardware does not support hard mixing and sof mixing through pulse audio failed for nwn. Try disabling sound in the nwn settings to make sure - later on, you can try to set up an .asoundrc file in your home dir to enable softmixing through alsa's dmix facilitiy.

Perhaps it has something to do with where it saves stuff.. but I doubt it. Probably some dumb mistake of mine somewhere.

No, I don't think that it's a mistake on your side, look above.

Unfortunately, your first 'sudo chmod' does not work for me.
It says that a=rX is not valid.

That one is scary - it means that chmod does not accept its own syntax. Does Linux Mint use some kind of hardening/security enhancement to protect against change of file access modes? Could you quote the exact error messagem verbatim?

nwn Editing:
So I removed ./lib, but is this the end result of the line?
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./miles
There was a :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH also.

The final :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH is only necessary if you have something in there that nwn needs to find and is not in the usual lib dirs on your system. You usually can remove it but it does not hurt to leave it in.

3d Acceleration:
glxinfo|grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RS690
   GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex,
Not sure what that means, but the fool inside me says yes, 3d acceleration.

Yep, working 3D acceleration.

Yes, I "Fresh Installed" Linux Mint Debian. No dual boot, complete erasure of windows 7. It could possibly be driver confliction, but I doubt it.

No, I don't think it's any kind of driver conflict.

I would like to be more helpful, but I am at a loss ATM. If I were in front of your box and could see what actually happens, perhaps some idea would come to me...

Try disabling sound and see if that makes a difference.




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[Linux] Game Crashes on New Campaign [SOLVED]
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 07:08:08 pm »

Haha, simple mistake here.

sudo chmod -R a=rX, u+x [NWN folder]

Forgot the -R. Forgot about file vs. directory haha.
Unfortunately, my computer was still wanting something. It was making everyone able to access the folder, but not read or write - which resulted in errors having to do with unpacking. I had to go back and set the permissions, in the "Permissions" tab in "Properties" (had to set read and write on both the NWN folder, and files within).


Ha! Thinking back on it, I should have thought about this as soon as I saw "alsa + error". Simply going into the nwn.ini and making


Fixed my problem! Now, i'll have to search around for a fix to that! Haha.

Thank you for all your help O! wise Skildron! Haha

Now i'll just have to get a hold of my grandpa so we can play some of the campaign together....



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[Linux] Game Crashes on New Campaign [SOLVED]
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2012, 10:28:29 pm »

               After thinking about your sound problem, I came up with two possible solutions - depending on your configuration. NWN uses libSDL to produce sound output - libSDL can use several methods to access sound hardware or hand over audio output to other software that controls sound hardware. If you use pulseaudio as a sound server (the default on Ubuntu, AFAIK, and so probably on Linux Mint, too) and everything is working as intended, it would be possible for libSDL to use pulseaudio as sound output. That solution needs either one of the

packages installed. Add to your nwn startup script the following line:

export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulse

If that does not solve your problems, then you need to set up alsa as software sound mixer. You need a custom .asoundrc file in your user home directory like this one:

pcm.!default {
        type plug
        slave.pcm "dmixer"
pcm.dsp0 {
        type plug
        slave.pcm "dmixer"
pcm.dmixer {
        type dmix
        ipc_key 1024
        slave {
                pcm "hw:0,0"
                period_time 0
                period_size 1024
                buffer_size 32768
                rate 44100
        bindings {
                0 0
                1 1
ctl.dmixer {
        type hw
        card 0

This one works for me, but I cannot guarantee that it does for you, too. Further, you need one of the following packages installed:

Add to your nwn startup script the following line:


If all that does not help, then I am at a loss for the time being.



                     Modifié par Skildron, 27 mai 2012 - 09:35 .