Try turning on the settings to show hidden files and folders.
Go to the control pannel, click on appearance and personalization, then folder options.
Click on the view tab for the item which shows up.
Then click on Show hidden files and folders under advanced settings
Below that will be a selected option called Hide protected operating system files then hit OK.
You may be able to see the directory in the origonal drive.
In the Windows folder, there will be a folder called Installer you can now see. Check here to see if /{Sequence of Registry Numbers}/BW_Smenu.ini exists here. if it does
There are a few other locations to check:
Go to C:/Users/<Your UserName>/AppData (Which you should now be able to see)
In this directory you should find /Local/VirtualStore/Program Files (x86) where user data is stored for your programs.
Check here and see if there is a Neverwinter Nights directory.
If messing with these still doesn't work try a manual uninstall, and the folders are set up already to make it easier (Copied from the old NWN Forums):
1. Delete the folder where the game was installed
2. Remove the entry from the start menu
3. Remove the following Windows Registry key using RegEdit:
MyComputer \\\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\\\SOFTWARE \\\\Microsoft \\\\Windows \\\\CurrentVersion \\\\Uninstall \\\\{7C503E58-B2BC-11D5-978A-0050BA84F5F7}
4. Remove the following Windows Registry key using RegEdit:
MyComputer \\\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\\\SOFTWARE \\\\BioWare \\\\NWN \\\\Neverwinter
[Edit suggested by others: Delete the entire NWN Tree not just NWN]
5. Remove the hidden folder:
C: \\\\Program Files \\\\InstallShield Installation
Information \\\\{7C503E58-B2BC-11D5-978A-0050BA84F5F7}
(where C: is the drive on your system with the Program Files folder)
At this point, there should be no traces of the game on the system.
A few caveats for Windows 7:
-Check the folder C:/Windows/Installer as well as the old folder to see if the file is there.
-The hex numbers for your install folder are different from the ones suggested earlier, make sure you search for that one as well instead of just what is posted here.
-Since there is no start/run option on Windows 7 to get to regedit, type regedit in the search program files and folders which appears at the bottom of the start menu and type regedit.
If you have problems finding these trees in regedit, there is a find function at the top, just keep clicking find next to eventually get to it.
If you don't find these registry values, the installer may have already removed them.
If this doesn't work...I'm at a loss.
Modifié par Hexedcoder, 04 janvier 2012 - 06:33 .