Lomondra wrote...
aw, I see password protected games all the time in gamespy, so it's probably still available, I just don't know the steps, I must be doing something wrong. anyone?
Download the module
here if you don't have it already available. Should be located in C:\\NeverwinterNights\\NWN\\modules (or on whatever drive you are using). If any haks/overrides are needed, all players must be running those. All should be using the same patch version.
Select Multiplayer.
Create/load LAN game. Either post Internet or not. Master Server isn't working but shouldn't matter for LAN.
Run ipconfig. Send direct connect addy to playmates. It should also post addy to Gamespay but dunno if Master Server burping will affect this. Use password or not. Doesn't matter with LAN direct connect if you don't try to post to Gamespy.
Or have you already tried all this?