I have platinum edition all updated,latest cep etc,but every few months my shortcut too start it up,just quits,no real problem,just go too folder and double click nwnmain.exe and bingo,its off!
However,this only gives you the intro movie and main loadscreen and I have just been asked too do some,minor,DM,ing and this screen dosent have the option too login as dm...rats!
Can some kind soul give me a quick rundown of what too type in the "new shortcut" boxes please,particulerily where that dratted login as dm is?!
My basic install is on C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN...after that ill need too put in the server Code and password,i need a generic help because there are 3 servers!
Im lost and embarressed,im a lore DM!
...not a Boffin!