To whomever may be able to help,
I have my Neverwinter Nights diamond edition box and CD, but my son has apparently misplaced the manual w/ the installation codes. The old bioware website is still active, and shows installation codes for all 3 games (NWN, SoU, HoU), but as these are separate I'm assuming these are the ones from my NWN-Gold purcahse plus an indepenent buy of HoU.
Is there anyway to recover the installation codes off the diamond CD, absent the miraculous discovery of the diamond manual somewhere in our household goods (military, we have just PCS'd for the 3rd time since the original purchase of the gold stuff..)?? Or am I stuck w/ intalling he gold version & hordes alone (which, thankfully wasn't new enough for the son to want to mess with and subsequently, he didn't lose them anywhere??)
Any help, most gratefully appreciated.
v/r Carradon