I have tried to play Tale of a Mage and have ran into a problem with missing .hak files. Here is part of the output from my log file:
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "ceptexture.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "cepportrait.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "cepplace.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "cepcreature.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "cepbaseitem.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "cepanatomy.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "cep2da.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "cep1patch.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "cep1patch150.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "cep1patch152.hak"
It is my understanding that these files are in an old version of the CEP, but I have no idea how to get them. Is it possible to get these files still, and if not is there some workaround I can implement (such as creating symlinks to current CEP hak files)?