I'm playing around with weather, setting up "Template" areas from which all the playable outdoor areas get their weather from (One each for Arid, Temperate, Artic, Forest, and Swamp)...
Ideally, Arid is always dry; Temperate has 50% chance of rain and 12.5% chance of thunderstorms (meaning 25% of all rains will be storms); Artic will have 50% chance of snow (no thunderstorms); Forest will have 100% chance of rain (no storms) at night, with dry days; and Swamp which is always raining but never storming. In all cases, the wind is variable unless it's storming, when wind should always be high.
The toolset has options for Wind, % Rain, % Snow, and % Lightning. The GetWeather() and SetWeather() functions can adjust from *_CLEAR, *_RAIN, and *_SNOW; I can change the SkyBoxes to correspond to the weather. All of that should be easy enough to manipulate, but...
How would I get or set the Lightning and wind settings?
Is the % for Lightning independent from, or a sub-set of, the Rain %? Can it be lightning when it's not raining? If I want it to rain half the time, and storm half of the time that it is raining, should I set this to 50% or 25%If I set this to 25%?