Losalas wrote...
First I will apologize if I has created this tread in the wrong forum
Need to say that I'am kind of a noob to all of this
But here is the problem.
I have a few models I want to install, but they need that I add some line to something called placeables.2da.
I can't find it.
Perhaps there is any tutorials about placeables.2da how to use it and where to find?
Thanks In advance
Yup, this would be better off in the custom content forum. But I'll try to help you out a bit here.
To get the new model you want added to the game so that you can use them in your own modules, there's a few things that need to be done.
First, I'm assuming you want to use the new models in a module/adventure of your own design. If you're just looking to update the look of some models, you might want to do research into finding ones that work in the NWN/override folder (use Google to search the Vault for terms like "redux", "update", or "override").
2da files control a lot of things about this game. The one you mention, placeables.2da, controls various things to tell the game how to display placeable models. It includes information on what the placeable's appearance is called in the toolset, what model is used, whether the game should consider certain textures as "shiny" or "transparent", and a few other settings.
2da files can be modified with a simple plain text editor, such as Notepad. I personally use an
Excel file I found on the Vault, which does much of my importing and all of my 2da exporting.
So, on to adding a new placeable model.
Step 1: Extract an up to date copy of placeables.2da from the game resources.
How To: Extract a Game Resource (using NWN Explorer Reborn)Look for it in NWN > HotU Patch Data > Game Data > placeables.2da. Export it to a location you can easily find.
Step 2: Open placeables.2da so you can edit it. Open the version of placeables.2da that comes with the new model you downloaded (or perhaps a text file that came with it).
Step 3: Go to the end of the 2da file you exported from the game resources. Add a new line to the end, perhaps by copying and pasting the line of a similar existing placeable. Change the line number so that they are in order.
Step 4: Copy in the information for the new model (name, model file name (minus the extension), etc.).
Step 5: Save your updated 2da file.
Step 6: Open NWN/utils/NWHak.exe.
Step 7: Drag/drop your updated placeables.2da file, along with the model file (.mdl), texture file(s) (.tga or .dds), and possibly placeable walkmesh file (.pwk) into the NWHak window.
Step 8: Save your new hak file. File names are limited to 16 characters, so keep it simple. It should go into your NWN/hak folder. Close NWHak.
Step 9: Open your module in the NWN toolset (Aurora). Go to Edit > Module Properties > Custom Content. Find your new hak in the drop-down list and add it.
Step 10: After the module gets done adding the new hak, save it and exit the program. Restart the toolset and your module. I've found that the toolset doesn't always recognize new "art assets" without a restart.
Step 11: Pick a placeable from the palette on the right. You can paint one down so you're not making a new blueprint, or right-click and pick "edit copy" to make a new blueprint.
Step 12: Right-click and edit the placeable's properties. There is an "appearance" drop-down, which you use to pick your new model's appearance. The preview window should switch to the new model. Hit OK to close this out and keep your changes.
Step 13: Enjoy the benefits of your work!
This is just a rough outline of how to add a model and 2da file. If you have further questions, feel free to ask in the
custom content section. We're happy to welcome new builders/makers/players/etc. and will gladly answer questions or offer advice.