<clearing up...>
Also, you mentioned something about changing the ranges.2da?
Please be aware that that does not affect PC graphics or visibility at all.
I.e. the perception ranges are checks used to fire a creature/NPC's onPerception event. They have nothing to do with the PC.
<...a puzzling point>
Well, as far as placeables and VFX are concerned, that's true.
However, as Virusman recently pointed out, PercepRngPlayer, which defaults to 35 metres, does affect the distance at which
creatures render. Increasing this to (say) 100 metres seems to work well in SP, though we're told there can be performance issues in multiplayer.
The main reason I'm playing about with this is to render passing ships and flotsam at sea. With this tweak, creatures work well. Animated placeables incorporating the origin tweak mentioned above, such as Oseryn's excellent
Sailing Ships, are great - I will certainly be using them, too. However, for new objects,, I find it easier to make a creature from the placeable, rather than animate it!
It occurs to me that stationary creatures could be made that look like placeables or VFX, in a similar manner to usable armour stands and the like.