Author Topic: Having trouble with getting proper line of henchman conversation to fire  (Read 431 times)


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               Okay, I hope I can explain my issue clearly. I have a henchman in my module who is working fine except for one problem. I have random and non random interjections set up and in the proper order in the conversation tree and they are working perfectly. There are eight mausoleums in a graveyard in my module. Each mausoleum has triggers in front of each one that are supposed to fire the henchman's conversation file and they do, no problem. At the entrance of the graveyard I have a trigger set that assigns a variable of 1 to the PC when he/she runs across it. When the PC approaches any mausoleum I want the henchman to protest the violation of the mausoleum and attempt to convince the PC to not enter it. That line of conversation is supposed to show up because the PC has the variable from when he entered the graveyard. When the henchman fails to convince the PC the variable is increased to 2. That way the PC can approach the mausoleums in any order. When the PC approaches the second mausoleum the conversation line associated with the variable that was increased to 2 is supposed to fire and the varibale gets upped to 3. When the PC approaches a third mausoleum the third line is supposed to appear, the variable gets upped to 4 and so on and forth, all the way to the eighth mausoleum. I have the mausoleum lines of conversation after all of the henchman's other lines of conversation.

What is happening is that the trigger fires the henchman's conversation. However, it results in the henchman not saying the first mausoleum line but asking the PC if he/she needs anything, just as if the PC had clicked on the henchman to initiate a normal conversation with him.

Here is how the henchman's conversation tree looks:

Line 1 - Henchman is unconscious and needs help before he dies (TAW script: x0_d2_hen_dyin)
Line 2 - Henchman died and was sent to the temple (TAW script: x0_d2_hen_fired)
Line 3 - I'm busy line
Line 4 - Wait, can I talk to you? (non-random interjections) (TAW script: x0_d2_hen_inter)
Line 5 - Yes, is there something you need? (TAW script: x0_d2_hen_master)
Line 6 - One liner (TAW script: x0_d2_hen_line1)
Line 7 - One liner (TAW script: x0_d2_hen_line2)
Line 8 - Mausoleum line fired by variable value 8 (upped to 8 by Line 9)
Line 9 - Mausoleum line fired by variable value 7 (upped to 7 by Line 10)
Line 10 - Mausoleum line fired by variable value 6 (upped to 6 by Line 11)
Line 11 - Mausoleum line fired by variable value 5 (upped to 5 by Line 12)
Line 12 - Mausoleum line fired by variable value 4 (upped to 4 by Line 13)
Line 13 - Mausoleum line fired by variable value 3 (upped to 3 by Line 14)
Line 14 - Mausoleum line fired by variable value 2 (upped to 2 by Line 15)
Line 15 - Mausoleum line fired by variable value 1 (variable placed on PC by trigger at entrance to graveyard)

I realize that these are non-random interjections. I did not want them to be started by the "Wait, can I talk to you line?" plus I don't know how to alter the script on the interjection lines to make them appear only when the PC has a certain variable.

I tried using a separate conversation file and specifying my henchman as the one to use it and then changed all the tags in the separate conversation file to reflect the henchman but that didn't work.

Thanks for reading this all the way and for any help you can provide.



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Having trouble with getting proper line of henchman conversation to fire
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2012, 04:24:07 pm »

               Can't you use the one liner technique?  Have a few variations of the PC saying "Stop!"  (Don't enter there!/Halt!/Step no further! etc), then have the variable kick in to choose the PC line...

1st entrance "What is it?"
2nd entrance "What now?"
3rd entrance "Yeah yeah I know..."
4th entrance "This is getting boring you know"
5th entrance "Look just keep your opinions to yourself okay?!"




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Having trouble with getting proper line of henchman conversation to fire
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 01:21:14 am »

               Actually, I solved the problem by having the trigger actually "talk" to the PC (using a completely separate conversation file) and changing the tags on each conversation line to that of the henchman.

Worked like a charm! :-)