I have a House on a social server, Sinfar to be specific, and it has two floors which I like to change periodically. I have 5 different designs I have used for the top floor and 2 different designs I have used for the lower floor. Each floor is an "Area". And so one Mod is made up of one Top Floor Area and one Lower Floor Area.
What I thought I could do was to save each Area as an erf file and then I could start with what ever mod file I wanted to as long as I imported in the two floors I needed and deleted the rest.
Now, I made sure both connecting doorway transitions were idential between floor 1 and floor 2.
Here is an example of what I have tried:
I open up the mod with Ruins2 and City1 being the top and lower floors respectively.
So I decide I want to switch and use Castle1 for the new top floor, but no matter what I do it copies over the lower floor.
So I try the other way and pull up a mod that has Castle1 as the top floor, so the next mod I try now has Castle1 and Drow5 as the top floor and lower floors respectively. This means now I will try to import City1 to replace Drow5.
So I import City1, and now it does a switcheroo on me and overwrites my top floor.
Thinking it may have something to do with that certain file being already "selected" I decided to open up one floor, run the import, it still overwites the wrong file, then I try opening the other floor, run the import, and it overwrites the wrong file.
The erf files won't add in, they want to copy over an existing erf and I don't what that to happen.
What can I be doing wrong?
How can I get an erf file to just import in and not overwrite anything?
Here is something I have noticed, the erf files I am trying to combine in one mod are Castle1 (floor1) and City1 (floor2) and when I look at their Area Properties under Advanced, I see that both ahve the same "Tag" of "Area001" but that is changable, but they also have the same "ResRef" of "Area001" and this is dimmed out, and changing the other will not change both.
So maybe what I need to ask is how can I change a ResRef property/name?
Modifié par Lasatta, 14 novembre 2011 - 11:27 .