Author Topic: Ultra n00b reporting...  (Read 847 times)


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Ultra n00b reporting...
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2011, 01:44:28 am »

               One day when I was 11, I was building some model rockets in my garage and some a-hole bully came at me to beat me up for some dumb crap I said in front of his buddies at school. So I whacked him with a hatchet that was sitting on the workbench.
I had to do 3 years in juvy hall and counseling.

Never did finish the rocket.



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« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2011, 02:08:14 pm »

               Scaaary 'Posted

At least he is not bullying you anymore 'Posted

Oh, by the way, my name is taken from the movie with the same name. It was a blaxplotation movie from the seventies about a coke dealing pimp....just like me...ehum, almost...

The more memorable part of the movie was probably the soundtrack from Curtis Mayfield with tracks like: "Superfly", "Pusherman" and "Freddie's dead".


                     Modifié par SuperFly_2000, 02 août 2011 - 01:16 .



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« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2011, 12:01:58 am »

               Wow, that's pretty intense. I suppose in some ways it's a life lesson that at times an emotional reaction will take over, while it's never a good thing to whack somebody with an axe, it's almost predictable that at some point, it will happen. The problem with bullies is that, since they so often have gotten away with something with very little risk to themselves, and since they pick on people they perceive as weak, they become overconfident, which can lead, on occassion to an axe in the face. A lesson in causality.

Yeah I remember that movie.  Superfly meant that the stuff would really make you fly even higher, thus: superfly.  Just a clarification of some of the slang from that period. Great soundtrack btw.


                     Modifié par ffbj, 03 août 2011 - 03:10 .



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« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2011, 01:56:27 am »

               Welcom, I hope you enjoy your time here.  Lightfoot8 is probly talking about me...* '<img'> @ lightfoot*

There are many people on the forums that enjoy scripting there own solutions,  For them it is better to just give pointers.  as said by lightfoot8...

I have a tendancy to give people script, when I probly should guide them.  Lightfoot8 and funky swere scripts are always neat and clean... mine tend to have remarks all over them trying to help people understand scripting.

You will find there are many here willing to help you.  Look at lightfoot8 a cat like that might be rough around the edges, but I bet his heart is full of love and catnip probably might help ya a little...

*ribs lightfoot8 laughing lovenly*

God Bless



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« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2011, 04:38:32 pm »

               Another thing you could look at are the toolset tutorials on the Vault - I believe BeyondThePale or Maximus wrote them. It walks you through the construction of a simple module located in a place called the Fernesk Mines.



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« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2011, 06:30:23 am »

               lexicon and a script generator like Lilac Soul's are very helpful to try out before posting in the forums..learn by doing..and welcome!



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« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2011, 10:23:01 am »

               Hi and welcome to the NWN world, True.

Pay attention to anything Axe tells you about scripting.  I consider myself an expert scripter but Axe is Da Bomb! when it comes to scripting.  I bow to his knowledge and talent.

Lightfoot8 is also a pretty expert scripter.  I think he's my equal at least.

The one thing which I found wasn't intuitive about using the toolset, and which took me a while to find the answer for was how to "close" a polygon such as for a trigger or encounter.  The answer was to double-click on the last vertex instead of single-click.

I'm a Believer and not an atheist.  The reasons why I believe are off-topic here so I won't say any more.

Axe, I know all about bullies and losing your temper with them.  And even if the bully deserved it and practically begged for it, the victim is the one who is punished.  I don't know if the bully in this case deserved it or not, but I wish you could have had a happier childhood, without all that fuss.

Since we're discussing nick origins, mine is the traditional name attributed to one of the three "kings" (wise men) who visited Jesus as a child.  All of my "wisdom" has been obtained through long and hard experience.

'nuff said.



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« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2011, 09:15:28 pm »


True Heresy wrote.... As an atheist and a skeptic ...

So does that mean you're skeptical about atheism . . .?'Posted

Sorry, couldn't resist, back to the point . . . welcome to the NWN world . . . as a noob myself I have found these forums to be invaluable and the people here so very willing to share their knowledge and experience, time and time and time again. It's a great place to haunt!



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« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2011, 12:19:53 pm »


Axe_Murderer wrote...

One day when I was 11, I was building some model rockets in my garage and some a-hole bully came at me to beat me up for some dumb crap I said in front of his buddies at school. So I whacked him with a hatchet that was sitting on the workbench.
I had to do 3 years in juvy hall and counseling.

Never did finish the rocket.

YIKES the bully entered your (parents) property with intent to do you bodily harm and YOU got jail time for defending yourself in your own home? Krikey - I think anyone who enters my home to do me harm is asking for some simple dismemberment. Axe or no, I'm happy to oblige. Bullies suck. Boy oh boy did YOU need a good lawyer.

Be well. Game on.



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« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2011, 10:26:09 pm »

               Just wanted to add sometimes it helps to look at what others have done.Here is a persistent starter module one of the communnity has made. Basically makes your mod persistent using the bioware data base. Looks like they also have one using the nwnx database but for starter the standard one works. Then if you want to put cep in it which is I think a split vote from everyone you just add hak packs.Even if you dont use this one ,there are others that you can look at too that already have cep.Then what version cep do I use ? good question. I here cep 2.1 is good and the rest bloated .I can tell you one thing ,I reinstalled game recently then installed cep2.1 and used the updater to get it to cep 2.3 ....took a very long time.Just a couple thoughts for someone starting new.



                     Modifié par Knight_Shield, 16 août 2011 - 09:28 .