Author Topic: A problem with conversation files.  (Read 695 times)


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A problem with conversation files.
« on: January 17, 2011, 07:18:29 pm »

               Files can be downloaded: here or click my projects

I am having a problem with 2 henchman conversation files.

One is the old version, one is the newer version.

The old version allows the command to use all buffing spells on the group.
The new version doesn't as the henchman just stand there.

They have the same "action" tab commands, so such an easy fix doesn't seem possible.

I've never seen such a bug for convo files when using the same scripts to activate a given command.
What am I missing, and does anyone have any sugestions or ideas as to the cause?


                     Modifié par Xovian, 18 janvier 2011 - 07:02 .



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A problem with conversation files.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2011, 12:09:50 am »

               Made the file public as previously it was not. {smilie}
It can now be accessed by everyone.

Sorry for any confusion.

Did get one comment that said sometimes the placement with in conversation nodes can change how they actually fire. Will be something I will test once i get home.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, dont be affraid to run it by me.


                     Modifié par Xovian, 18 janvier 2011 - 12:09 .



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A problem with conversation files.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2011, 01:43:42 am »

               In the old conversation the action for  "Cast on all the party members." is x0_d1_targetall  This is correct.

in your new conversation the action for  "Cast on all the party members." is x0_d1_targetcomp This is not correct.  It will cause you hench to try and cast the spells on your animal companion.



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A problem with conversation files.
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2011, 02:50:35 am »

               Thanks lightfoot.
I wasn't checking well enough apparently.
Kept seeing the x0_d1_target* and kept thinking the rest was corrects because i'd look at the preview window for the script and they looked the same.

Probably gonna have to go through them so that when shown and action tabs are copy/pasted to make sure I don't have any others that are mislabeled.

Just for reference in case you were wondering, the old version is the one I had made from piece-milling the HotU characters together. Even added for the npc to set traps from "Nerege" (think thats how it was spelled) and a few others that I had added just based on the scripts from HotU, Gate being one of them. Unfortunately outside  of the divine feats and lay on hands, could never reliably get many feats to be used, especially summons (shadow dancer, black guard ect).

The new version uses what I already had, and I added it to the the HotU conversation file Tony K had put together. So basically added the healing set, and the weapons tactics set commands.

Once I find any mismatches (beyond what you found), I think it will be one of the most functional conversation henchmen sets with out requiring the use of haks or the like.

Thanks again.

***Edit ended up having to completely rebuild it.
For some reason it still wasn't working correctly, even though the scripts got changed correctly.
Think what was happening was some of the scripts shared the same names but functioned differently.
At any rate, finally got it working and corrected.

Changed some of the old files to give the updated versions.
Click here


                     Modifié par Xovian, 18 janvier 2011 - 07:04 .