Ralthis wrote...
Hi all,
I originally tried to use the SoU treasure system to
create treasure in my chests when I noticed not one of the random items
generated was ever a custom item that I had placed in the chest (despite
the contents being ~ 50% custom items). This prompted me to start
writing my own script which randomly picked an item from a "stock" chest
and copied it into the desired chest being opened (much like the SoU
system). This time, some of the custom & Bioware created items
appeared, but potions and healers kits wouldn't spawn in. In both the
above cases, my stock chest had 311 items within it.
I then
tested another stock chest with only 1-3 items within it using my custom
code and everyhing worked perfectly. So, my two question are: is the
problem with the amount of items in my treasure chest? Is there another
issue I don't know about?
In many cases, if you exceed a few hundred items in the chests it overwhelms that system. An easy work around is to use the function to generate monster treasures instead (even from chests) and then create several uniquely tagged master containers and matching respawning loot containers.