Author Topic: Come to Lalaland!  (Read 811 times)


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Come to Lalaland!
« on: August 24, 2015, 05:14:12 pm »


Hello fellow NWN junkies, my name is Jon and I came to this forum to tell you about the NWN online server I have been playing since 2004. The game that has held me and so many others in it's clutches off and on for literally half my life. My goal is to help bring the experience to more players who may be looking for a new module to try. The best way I know how to do this is simply to tell you about the server.

The Server

Our server, called "Lalaland", is a Nordock based module that has seen major updates constantly (often weekly) since it's birth in 2002(?), with an active staff and player base forming a solid community. The server is owned and run by a DM named "Dunge", who takes care of any problems and has payed to keep a lagless server up these past years. 


Getting to Lalaland

Lalaland has developed into an incredibly vast and complex server without the use of Hakpaks, meaning all you need to log in is the server is the game. Simply go to multiplayer or lan, and press Direct Connect and type in this ID:

Once you have a player account you can apply for forum access, this process is annoying but necessary to keep the trolls and griefers away.


The Economy

Lalaland has a token based economy, these tokens can be used for features like equipment enchantments, or character changes. You can enchant haste, attributes, mind immunity, almost anything on to your favorite pieces of equipment using "Quest Tokens". Or, use "RP tokens" to change your character's appearance by adding wings, or even changing your skin into any creature you can think of. These tokens are given out sparingly for doing Questmaster run quests, such as PVP events or maze-like gauntlets, or simply by doing some of the NPC quests in the game. RP tokens are earned by, well, RPing. There are also Trivia tokens for answering trivia questions in QM events, and hidden tokens you may find if you are paying attention.



You can see a complete set of static rules immediately when you join the game. Lalaland operates under the "Rule of Thumb" for undiscovered exploits, meaning it is up to your judgement if something in the 'grey area' is acceptable, and you must prepare to face the consequences if it isn't. The best way to find out is to ask, you won't get in any trouble if you're not doing anything wrong. Players are given multiple warnings unless they are doing something truly naughty (we had a duping problem back in 2004 that caused a complete server wipe. Don't worry, there won't be any more server wipes and haven't been since!) You are most likely to get in trouble if you are an asshat. If you are respectful and follow your own moral compass you will be fine.



Lalaland is not a democracy. The big guy decides who gets the banhammer, what rewards the QMs can give out, and what content is allowed in (although he doesn't' develop it himself anymore.) At first glance this system seems terrifying, but in all my 11 years of playing here I have not once seen any kind of abuse of power from him. In fact, he has gotten rid of 2 staff members who were abusing their power swiftly and firmly before any damage was done to the server. A benevolent dictatorship is the most effective form of governance. If you have a problem with another player you can take it up on the forum, as long as you're fair and not flaming you and the community (and usually the player in question) will have a discussion like grownups (as if) and the problem will be resolved, one way or another.


RP or Powergame?

Both. The server runs from level 1 to level 40. We have some hard-core roleplay players who love to sit in an inn and make fun of your dwarf for hours, and we have powergamers who love to grind out XP and items with their overpowered builds. There are areas for players who like to take it slow and relax, and there are areas for players who want the risk of dying at every encounter for greater rewards. Players who RP are rewarded in their own way, by the experience and by staff members who are watching.



Lalaland is very hard. There is no easy way to put it. When you die, it is extremely punishing, and gets more and more so as you level. So try not to do that '<img'> That being said, the server is equipped with a variety of different areas at all level ranges, from level 1 to level 40, with varying difficulty and rewards. Aside from general NPC difficulty, there is a huge learning curve and the higher level you get, the harder it gets. Of course the item and XP rewards increase as well. Lalaland is a longterm game, and you should not expect to reach level 40 for a few months of regular playing. But the fun doesn't stop there, there are more and more features being added with rewards and areas for players who go beyond level 40 and amass XP for a truly hardcore powergaming experience, if you have the aptitude. 


The "Unique" system

Early on Lalaland adopted what is in my opinion it's greatest feature. Every single enemy that spawns has a chance to spawn with random bonus abilities, making it much more dangerous than it's fellow creatures. Of course with great challenge comes great reward. These creatures are the main source of epic item drops, however if you're on Tymora's good side you can always find special things in normal monster loot bags.



Every player has his own opportunity to find riches in Lalaland's chests, even if someone else has already opened it. You may open a chest to find nothing, while your friend finds his fortune a second later in that same chest. This ensures fair and equal opportunity for every player, not just the early birds.



Lalaland is full of NPC quests to help you as you level, as well as a main quest to follow in order to get your 'wings'. These 'wings' are not actual wings, but an amulet that allows you to teleport around the gigantic map cutting down on your commute as you adventure. Some of the quests will give you unique items or experience, and some may give you vital information. 


Items and equipment

In addition to eventually being able to enchant your own abilities onto your epic items, Lalaland has equipment in all ranges, including an enormous amount of "lala specific" gear that has been created for the server. Aside from a few items that have been removed due to exploiting, almost every item from HotU and SoU are included. This means rings of protection and bracers of AC up to +10, haste items, +8 weapons, and even some lalaland specials. However don't expect to find any of these items any time soon! As you level, your chance of finding greater equipment increases astronomically. However, even a low level always has a chance '<img'> As for item transferring between characters, it is perfectly legal, however item level requirement is enabled on the server and therefore your ultimate gear will not be of much use until you can wield it.



After level 10, you are at risk (or everyone else is!). As long as you are within 5 levels, anyone is fair game. Although it would be unwise to just mindlessly run around killing people, as if many players on the server hate you you won't have an enjoyable time. PVP in my experience is often reserved for events, RP, and settling personal grudges. RP is greatly encouraged however none-RP PVP is technically legal, if that's your thing. Aside from random field killings, there are sometimes PVP events where you test your metal (or magic if you're one of those sissy mages) against your fellow players for rewards given directly from the staff. If PVP is NOT your thing, don't worry, many players have gone years without ever seeing a PVP match (or at least one they're involved in).



The crafting system was recently re-done, with many players currently opting to spend their days in the workshops rather than on the field. While the previous system was a bit of a mess, the re-vamped crafting system promises to reward your labor in the workshop and out exploring for materials. Crafting is also a slow, but safe way to gain experience if you don't have the stomach for fighting, or can't find a party to help you.



Along with crafting, the subrace system is getting the most attention from the staff currently. With already over 15 unique subraces to choose from and more in the works, including races such as gnoll that will change your appearance, many subraces will have their own dedicated city (or cities, for the Drow and Duergar who rule the Underdark). In addition to appearance and location changes, these subraces have their own unique abilities and stat changes.


Character building

Many of you I'm sure are seasoned NWN veterans who have customized the greatest characters possible and chosen your favorite. After all, this game has been out for forever! For those who haven't, if you are not interested in figuring one out for yourself our community has some of the greatest expertise on character building.


How big is Lalaland?

It's hard to quantify just how big the server is, as it's continually changing and there are constantly new areas to explore. But the short answer is pretty damn big. Even as a hasted monk it would take hours and hours to pour through the hidden chambers and caverns of the Underdark, which is just a fraction of the size of the surface.


Why should you play Lalaland?

I had hoped at this point this question would be answered, but for all my bragging on my favorite escapism nothing is perfect. The biggest problem Lalaland has right now is lack of playerbase, which is why I created an account on the bioware forums to try to recruit players. Much to my surprise, the community here is still vibrant and full from what I have seen so far. This is an old game. But it isn't dead yet. Seeing people still working on single player modules and discussing all things NWN actually gave me a lot of hope. NWN is my favorite game, in part because of my experience on Lalaland, but also due to the complexity and depth of the game itself. If you love this game like I do, and want to make it into your favorite game, I strongly urge you to come join the Lalaland experience. If you are anything like me you will get frustrated, you will get addicted, and you will have the best gaming experience of your life.


I am not a QM or DM on this server, just a completely addicted veteran who obviously loves this game. It's like crack, but less rewarding. If you do log on, look me up! My login is Jonathan111111 and like a true addict, if I'm not on I'm at least AFK in town!


I apologize if I posted this in the wrong section, I don't quite know my way around here yet but I hope to familiarize myself with this community as well.


TL;DR: Come to lalaland we has cookies.