Author Topic: Any low magical Skyrim like modules?  (Read 626 times)


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Any low magical Skyrim like modules?
« on: June 02, 2015, 02:33:45 pm »


Hi all


Does anyone know of any well done low magical NWN1 modules? Maybe something a little like Skyrim.


I have never been a fan of portals, moon type planets, or any SyFy/High magical worlds. However I do enjoy low magical, hard, gritty, sandboxy worlds.


i wasn't sure if there were modules like this on the vault.







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Any low magical Skyrim like modules?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2015, 04:24:50 pm »


1. Is Conan-like setting enough low-magic? -> HMC series (pure HnS, first modules good, later.. not so much)

2. Is Fritz Leiber (Nehwon, Lankhmar) low magic enough? -> Lankhmar Nights by Udasu

3. Are magical (+3 etc.) items okay?

4. Ain't Skyrim, umm, magical?

5. Greenlaw, a recent module

6. Is Westeros/Song of Ice and Fire setting okay?

7. New, looks like it might suit you, haven't played though: http://neverwinterva...bounty-orc-king

8. Small Village Woes

9. kind of beta release: http://neverwinterva...f-trading-post#

10. Kinda disagree with this one, it starts low magic, but then there are war wizards and spell throwing: http://neverwinterva...bit-chapter-1-5

11. http://neverwinterva...orgotten-realms

12. States it's low magic world, but you play some kind of demons-related person:


I hope at least some of those will fit your criteria.


Sources: knowledge, quick search of this very forums



Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Any low magical Skyrim like modules?
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2015, 07:15:56 pm »


I'm not sure if it is exactly what your asking, but Avernostra is somewhat low magic. Caster classes are generally considered evil beings, and magic items are created in a fashion that weakens magical lore, while retaining NWN functionality. Basically up to +2 Enhancement is just considered Masterwork, or Masterpiece items, and most special damage on weapons is 1d4 dmg. Anything above +2 is actually magical and only available to upper level players, or as ST crafted artifacts. Characters who 'Die' on the server are never considered dead, just wounded beyond all normal means of help shy of rare and powerful magic (such as the Raise Dead spell) or having players use Surgery Kits to bring them back from the brink of death. We also use firearms and some Victorian steampunk stylings.




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Any low magical Skyrim like modules?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2015, 08:21:17 pm »


I think you'd definitely be interested in Arenthyor (  Not a module per se, but rather a persistent world.  However the quests are designed to be 'module-like'.


Gritty.  Challenging.  Unpredictable.  Low-magic.  The world has been shattered into halves and the civilizations have begun to adjust to this new reality.


Mid-level characters still struggling to find magical items.  Sorcerers still struggling to cast spells beyond 2nd level.  Yeah, that kind of low magic.


Magic is out there to be had, but it's hard to find and will be treasured when it is.  You won't find 'much' unpurposeful slinging of magic, though you will encounter creature spell-casters.


Encounters take strategy and skill to prevent them from quickly spiraling out of control.  You're not at the top of the food chain in Arenthyor.  You are the food.


Take a look and let me know if you have any questions.