Author Topic: Magical Master's Rated Module List  (Read 452 times)


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Magical Master's Rated Module List
« on: December 07, 2013, 09:25:57 pm »

               Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Amazing Single Player Modules
3. Acceptable Single Player Modules
4. Poor Single Player Modules
5. Good Multiplayer Modules
6. To Do

1. Introduction
One thing I've noticed is that it can be difficult to get people into custom content for NWN -- especially since it's often not clear what modules are worth playing.  There's a module list in this forum, sure, but it tries to list every single module without much regard for whether they're worth playing.  I've been asked by people to recommend mods for them to play and I seem to always have to create a list from scratch.

So, I'm making this thread as a reference point -- a way to say "You should play these modules."  I'm planning on separating this list into "Amazing, you should definitely play this," "Eh, acceptable but nothing special," and "Avoid this module, definitely not worth your time."  I'm not going to be ranking modules within these categories though a brief description I'll give of each module will probably reveal additional information.

I also realize that many authors put a ton of time and effort into modules I'll throw into the bottom two categories.  I build myself, I understand the effort that goes into projects like this.  However, I don't feel it is fair to new players to not give them what I consider accurate pointers because we want them to play awesome modules and get hooked on NWN like all of us are.  I'm also including a section on modules that work well for multiplayer.

Also keep in mind that clearly this is my opinion.  But it is also my opinion that I can recognize quality when I see it -- that even though I tend to prefer difficult and engaging gameplay that I also think HeX Coda and Elegia Eternum, for example, are absolutely amazing modules despite the combat being basically irrelevant.  This is also going to be a work in progress -- I'll add to the list as time goes on, especially if I get requests to review specific modules.  The last part of this post will mention stuff I've been asked to cover but haven't done yet.

So with all of that we go (alphabetical order)!

2. Amazing Single Player Modules
A Dance With Rogues
This module series (two parts) is often considered the defining example of rogue gameplay.  Tons of focus on rogue skills ranging from stealth/traps/locks/social skills and beyond.  Also heavily focused on player decisions.  Avoiding combat is usually the best choice when possible and very little focus is put on it.  The main catch is that the module is extremely sexual and you are sometimes put in extremely unpleasant circumtances with reference to that.  Many of the sexual situations are avoidable, however.

Eternum Series
This two part series is labeled as "dramatic" and for good reason.  It focuses on telling an excellent story with a captivating atmosphere.  Outstanding dialogue and interesting puzzles.  If you're looking for lots of engaging combat, you won't find it here -- combat exists where it serves a purpose in the story and is not meant to be particularly challenging.  Certainly two extremely well done and worthwhile modules, though.

Three chapters about a warrior who makes a name for herself in a gladiatoral arena and winds up helping save the world while wearing a literal chainmail bikini.  Basically the little sister of A Dance With Rogues, except focused on fighter types instead of rogue types.  More overtly sexual than A Dance With Rogues but still has many interesting ideas outside of the sex.  Not as good as A Dance With Rogues overall but worth playing if you like that style of module.

Sanctum of the Archmage - The Sight
This is technically a series but, alas, I find myself unable to properly continue.  The author is revamping the series to the point where the first module won't even work properly going into the second module so I find myself anxiously awaiting future re-releases.  One would be able to play through the whole series by going through the older version of the series if desired, but I'm reasonably patient.  In general, this was an amazing module with a few mechanical issues.  Certain things are unintuitive but liberally examining and using every unique power on special items helps.  Also, if you find a locked object with a trap and you have a key for it, you actually need to use the radial menu to select "unlock" (at the 9 o'clock position) rather than simply left clicking on the object like you would in every other module.  Fascinating story in a very custom world overall and, presuming the rest of the modules wind up being as good or better, a series that may have found itself into my top four campaigns.  I suppose we'll see!

Siege of the Heavens
This is my own module so I'm clearly biased but whatever.  Siege of the Heavens is a level 40 only adventure that is focused on engaging boss fights with unique custom scripted mechanics.  If you're looking for lots of dialogue, brancing plot paths, and important decisions...go somewhere else.  If you want difficult combat that makes you think and react appropriately, you'll love it.  It is very different from your typical NWN module where combat is mostly just wailing on enemies until they die -- can go grab a drink while your character is fighting in some modules.  I'd definitely suggest you avoid doing that in Siege.

A short mini-adventure (30-60 minutes) for level one characters where you embark on a quest for a tribe of kobolds.  Very humorous and engaging with entertaining sequences and interesting characters with pretty balanced level one combat, which is rare to find.  The catch?  Meant for level one and quite short.

Snow Hunt
This is a short module created by the author of the Swordflight series.  A fun hour or two mini-adventure where you are a bounty hunter chasing down a fugitive.  Some brief but interesting dialogue, good combat, fun places to explore.  Not something that will change your life but something enjoyable to do for an hour or two.

Swordflight Series
Currently two chapters, Swordflight attempts to deliver an engaging story, roleplaying opportunities, and difficult combat.  The second chapter is significantly better (and significantly longer) than the first -- though the first chapter mainly suffers from inherent issues with extremely low level DnD and both chapters are very good.  Combat is a large focus of the module which tends to have weaker magical items but lots of consumables (healing potions, buffing potions, wands, scrolls, etc).  Resting is also limited meaning you will have to change your tactics if you're used to simply nuking everything as a mage.

The Aielund Saga
I'll be up front and say that this is my favorite campaign in NWN.  It spans level one to the mid thirties over a series of six modules and takes you from clearing rats in a barn to fighting enemies threatening the safety of the entire wrld.  The first chapter is already quite good and it pretty much just keeps getting better from there.  Memorable characters, amazing area design, interesting combat, plenty of custom items, and much much more.  This is the series I always recommend first when people ask about custom content in NWN -- it's suitable for all characters with a good mix of everything and is reasonably difficult without being a cakewalk for better players or incredibly frustrating for people who are less skilled at NWN.

the HeX coda
Evil corporations, waste facilities, robot labor, the internet...and wizards.  Enter a world where magic is outlawed except for approved use by the Cathedral Corporation.  You're part of an outlaw group committed to using magic anyway and soon you're thrust into a whirlwind of an adventure.  Fascinating world, amazing characters, crazy story, etc etc etc.  However, combat is mostly irrelevant and part 2 will always remain unfinished -- though you can read a summary by the author of what was meant to happen.  Still have like 1/3 of the second module which is still amazing.

3. Acceptable Single Player Modules
Caereena - Krakona Rising
Basically a massive hack'n'slash adventure.  In and of itself that's not a problem especially as the plot is at least half decent and there's a custom setting with interesting stuff...but the hack'n'slash part itself suffers from some design flaws.  Enemies spawning out of thin air, enemies with crazy resistances/immunities, tons and tons and tons of the same enemies at's just often not fun.  Even at the end, you obtain a special weapon that's supposed to be a major upgrade but winds up being WORSE than previous weapons because of how the enemies are designed.  And in some cases, at least, the combat winds up not being difficult at all -- simply a matter of standing there whittling down an enemy's HP while he takes like 5 damage per hit due to resistances/immunities.

Dragon Dominant
This was just a module that...didn't stand out.  Nothing terrible about it, but nothing good either.  Combat tended to be a joke due to it being so easy, some of the plot would make you facepalm, and though it features voice acting it really isn't good enough to be worth having.  If you like the idea of being a rebel against evil blue dragons enslaving a country feel free to play it but I can't really recommend it.

Lords of Darkness
Hack'n'slash galore campaign series.  From what I recall, the plot itself is perfectly servicable (except for a few points which will annoy you) just spend 95% of the module wading through identical enemy after identical enemy.  And then fight some more of those enemies.  Plus more of those enemies.  Basically, what should be a ten minute combat sequence turns into a sixty minute combat sequence (or something similar).  If you love hack'n'slash you'll probably like the module quite a bit, but be aware of what you're getting into.

4. Poor Single Player Modules
Will think of some, focused on remembering the good stuff for now.

5. Good Multiplayer Modules
Eternum Series
See above for main information.  The module is designed for single player, so the combat difficulty doesn't ramp up -- but you're not playing the module for combat anyway.  Two (or more) heads are better than one for some of the puzzles, though, and there are no issues with having multiple people.

The Aielund Saga
See above for main information.  Ideally 2-3 players, a few minor bugs (mainly involving cutscenes) but for the most part works extremely well.  Favorite multiplayer campaign as well.

6. To Do List
Play Penultima series (doing it as multiplayer)
Finish Sanctum of the Archmage series (when done)
I'm sure I'm forgetting others plus there's tons of stuff I've never done, so feel free to help me out here.


                     Modifié par MagicalMaster, 14 décembre 2013 - 09:13 .


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Magical Master's Rated Module List
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2013, 05:07:23 pm »

               For my two pennorth I'll just suggest one module. Mind you if you think all modules should take themselves seriously this one will likely be not to your taste. For myself, I think we should always be able to smile occasionally. So what is the one? Snickersnack! by nereng, my favourite amongst the shorter modules.




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Magical Master's Rated Module List
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2013, 06:06:59 pm »

               I think each module should be judged based on what it is attempting to do.  A combat module should be judged based on the combat, a story module should be judged based on the story, and a humor driven module should be judged on its humor.  Or if something tries to be all of the above it should be judged based on all of the above.

Hardly seems to fair to say "I know you said this was a module about decisions and tricks/riddles, but the combat sucks so it's terrible."  I'll check that Snickersnack thing out when I can.


                     Modifié par MagicalMaster, 08 décembre 2013 - 06:12 .



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Magical Master's Rated Module List
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2013, 09:21:47 pm »

               Added Snickersnack to the amazing category, it was quite fun.