Thanks! Yes, the preset character is Crowley and by default, he is a fighter although the module supports multiclassing, so you can level him up to be a cleric, wizard or rogue if you wish. The Lowland General 2 comes with a preset character called Lucan Gedeliah but unlike with CMA, you can choose The Lowland General's race, gender, first name and class, only his/her last name is referenced in game.
Rise of a Legend and The Lowland General 1 (fighter only module) don't come with any preset characters. And yes I know that h hides the GUI but I forgot to hide the GUI before initiating the conversations and pressing h during the conversations seems to hide the dialogue boxes as well. I couldn't restart the conversation because those conversations only happen once. When you talk to the same character again, they always have something different to say and talking to them for a second time is where you can ask questions whereas talking for the first time allows you to role play.
This is our official Moddb page for those interested: