Author Topic: A is for adventure 0  (Read 569 times)

Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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A is for adventure 0
« on: December 02, 2011, 03:59:17 pm »

               THis is just a short piece of self-promotion for my recently released short module "A is for adventure - the into". A short (20 minutes to 1 hour) adventure for a beginning level character. It is intended to be the introduction to a series of modules that eventually lead to the character being of high (but not epic) level.

There is an enormous amount of back-story that is not told during this module. Also, there is quite a bit of exposition that will be important for future episodes, in certain parts of it. As it stands, this is the only module written for this series so far (I have just started on the second). In fact there is a possibility that no more modules of the series could be written. Frankly, I need someone to help me on the story lines for the various modules. So if you can help, please get in touch via email (– on this modules entry click on my user name which will take you to a page where there is a link that will enable you to contact me) or the pm me on the BioBoards.

This module was originally conceived shortly after Hrothgar. Since then I have spent time adding things and generally polishing it until earlier this year (2011) I decided it was done. One of the last things I did was to add a conversation that was necessary for the series as a whole. Literally 2 weeks later the Japanese earthquake and tsunami occurred. As I had mentioned a tsunami in that conversation, I decided to delay the release of this module out of respect for the loss of life, homes and livelihoods.

Just prior to releasing it, I have added a custom skybox that I believe is better for the purpose than the one I was using. This is included in the custom hak for this module.

Because I tend to use a lot of small, short lived journal entries and the sound that nwn gives to notify when a new journal entry is added is somewhat quiet, I have included a short lived, visual cue to let you know when the journal is updated. The graphic for this is also included in the custom hak.

Optionally there are a couple of movies - an intro and an outro.If you can see these with nwn, I recommend you install them. I have put them in a seperate archive. So if you don't want/need them, don't download them.

Please post comments.

Oh and for anyone interested, here is a link to the thread detailing my recent hak submissions to the vault.



                     Modifié par Tarot Redhand, 02 décembre 2011 - 04:30 .



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A is for adventure 0
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2011, 06:40:23 pm »

               Introduction as introduction to the world or as introduction(ary levels) of a hero(PC) - first of the series. Nevertheless I'll be sure to play and provide some feedback.

Edit: quick glance shows that you have not provided links to the haks. Are they included in the module file? "The main package including a custom hack." - besides it has a typo, it should be hak.


                     Modifié par werelynx, 02 décembre 2011 - 06:42 .


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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A is for adventure 0
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2011, 10:30:23 am »

               Ooops, forgot to mention here that I've put a "fixed" version up on the vault. Deliberately left the hack typo though ('^_^').