Bannor Bloodfist wrote...
Dang it... how did I miss this thread?
I am soooo deeply sorry to see the reviewers guild close up shop.
I also wish to say a VERY heartfelt THANK YOU VERY MUCH, for all the hard work you have all given to the community. It is deeply appreciated, even if seldom mentioned.
I am one of the guilty parties that "accepted" your work without much comment. For that I apologize deeply.
I truly understand how much work goes into "community" projects like these, and Quality Assurance type reviews have got to be one of the most delicate, yet most deeply needed jobs out there.
Farewell folks, all of you. Please don't stop hanging around the forums though... too many peeps are disappearing or have already disappeared as it is.
Thanks for your well wishes Bannor, also you've nothing to apologise for! You know I'll be hanging about, the nosey old bag wouldn't have it any other, there is always the AME to be a part of
@QSW slap, slap, flap, *boing* ouchies, slap, slap, flapflapflap... oh wait... now watsis I posed to dew wid all dease darn rats and bits you had me catches? I'se tired of rat flambe, rat Fricassée, fried rats... I'se tired of rats... can't ett no mooorr of dem.
*QSW lifts her head and draws in a deep appreciative breath*
Dem der rats looks mighty tassssty Orc Face, just pop dem down by that other maturing pile and go heat up the kitchen. I fancy rat gumbo with DO have onions?
*QSW opens her maw ever so onlooker might be forgiven for not knowing if QSW was grinning or just plain hungry*