Author Topic: Crossing Partial Deeds: New single or multiplayer in the works  (Read 596 times)

Legacy_Universal Pagan

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               First off, I am not writer LOL. So bear with me.

Back Story and Game Intro:

Long ago there was a king named Krem
Witnow that did terrible things to His people. No one liked him at
all. Everyone rebelled against him from the start of his reign. The
people of His kingdom starved and the King refused to send protection
for His own people. Even his own guard was plotting against him.

The Gods grew very tired of this and
were forced to call upon the Staff of the Great ones and without
mercy took his soul and spirit. This did not kill the king however,
it just took his spirit and soul then sent him to a long term limbo.
The Gods told him he will have to stay here until his ninth
generation heir was born and of decision making age. The Gods decided
on age nineteen. When the ninth generation heir became of age He/She
would be given the choice to either, give the evil king another
chance or to kill the king completely and send him to the Underworld.

This is where you ( the pc ) comes into
play. You are this ninth generation heir.You are minding your own
business when all of a sudden you hear whispers and before you can
react you are teleported to a place you are unfamiliar with.Before
you is a large scruffy looking man with a semi gray beard, fat
looking, and kinda looks like he is zombified. He looks nude but yet
he isn't.

The Gods approach some kind of misty humanoid forms. As they
approach, they speak to you in a language you have never heard. But,
somehow you quickly begin to understand them. “ Who Are You? “
you ask. “ We are the Great Ones, Gods of all. “ they say in a
broken up speech as you still kinda struggle to understand them
fully. The more they talk the more it seems they are speaking as one
being which makes you wonder if there are actually more than one or
just one being in many forms. The beings stare at you for a minute
and begin to say something else “ We have been waiting for you for
many generations. “ “ So, what do you want from me ?“ You ask.
“ Nine generations ago, a great evil king did many horrible things
to his people. We became ill of this and took his spirit and soul
with the Staff of the Great Ones and banished him to Limbo. “ “
So what does this have to do with me? “ You ask. “ You the ninth
generation heir of this evil king has been chosen to choose his fate.
“ Why me? “ You ask in a worried and frightened tone. “ We for
saw you being a great King of the land full of love and harmony. You
are going to be given two choices. One, you can give the king a
second chance and he will be sent back to the lands as a mortal
again. Two, you can send him to the underworld where he will stay for
eternity. “ But I don't know this man, how can I determine his
fate? “ you ask in a frantic voice. They stare at you for a
moment... “ You will know everything in time young one. “
Before you are able to ask your next question, you are teleported
back to the tavern. But wait, you think to yourself. “ You sent me
to the wrong place! “ You get no answer. A bar maid put her hand on
your shoulder and asks “ are you ok sir? “ “ Yes I am lady “
Now you are thinking where you are or when you are. The bar maid
was wearing really old clothes. You think what is going on, your
heart racing, looking around in a frantic state of mind. Not sure
what will happen next you put your head on the bar trying to calm
yourself and you dose off.

That will be basically the first 5-10 minutes of the beginning of the module. Not sure how long it will take to complete. I am not a scripter but can edit scripts which helps. Just can't make em from scratch.

Just mainly looking for a scripter and maybe some dialogue writers.


                     Modifié par Universal Pagan, 14 juin 2011 - 01:35 .



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Crossing Partial Deeds: New single or multiplayer in the works
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 02:29:00 pm »

               I hope you got a more fleshed out story than this. You must spend quite alot of psychology thinking when you write a story. Like WHY should he/she take the risk of running? if you want to recruit people you need to be more selling ie, reveal atleast the first 5 minutes of game story so people can see that the idea is well thought and that they can expect more of the same in the future. it's hardly a spoiler if it happen this fast and you got plenty of more coming.



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Crossing Partial Deeds: New single or multiplayer in the works
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2011, 06:54:06 pm »

               My suggestion would be to add NWNCQ to CEP an CMP:)
Here is the link: http://nwvault.ign.c....Detail&id=7848

If you want to make an exposition of the mod it should be like: harsh conditions in the town(or any other reason why PC would like to leave) makes you(PC) consider leaving town. Do not tell that PC will leave town at some point, just say about the background. For example show the PC suffering from some disease then finding out it is city based and that's why its forbidden to leave(to not spread disease or just to stop people emigrating). Make the decisions of tomorrow a secret - that will keep the players interested. Well it is basically what CID said.

Here is an idea: make a PC a part of street gang of frustrated youngsters.

Also if you need betatesting you can count on me.


                     Modifié par werelynx, 07 juin 2011 - 05:59 .


Legacy_Universal Pagan

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Crossing Partial Deeds: New single or multiplayer in the works
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2011, 02:37:33 am »

               @CID and werelynk:

Yeah agree with ya both. I thought of that way too quick lol. I edited the post. Changed the name of the module and completely different plot. As I mentioned above edited that I am not a writer. Not even many high school skills LOL. But did my best and used some grammer correctors hehe.