Author Topic: Module Idea (Premium Concept, looking for team to build.)  (Read 560 times)


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Module Idea (Premium Concept, looking for team to build.)
« on: April 13, 2011, 11:28:16 pm »

               Hey, I have one great idea for a NWN Module that would be of Premium
value. I took a look at the builder, and tried many times to build even
the first few scenes and encounters yet am finding it damn near
impossible to get it to even a functioning level.  
 Basically the idea would be based on Roman Spin in NWN. The Story goes as follows.  
 Their are two parts to this game. Path of Slavery, or the Path of Power.  
 Starting with the Path of Slavery,  

 You create your Char, starting at level one, and nothing in your
possessions, not even your clothes. A slave trader will auto dialog, the
setting is like a prison. Player will be forced to pick a background
for his Char.  
 Disbanded Warrior, you were a solider that
left the ranks without proper discharge. (( Which requires you are not a
Wizard, Bard, Sorcerer, Druid, or Monk.))  
 Guilty of Which craft, (( Which requires Wizard, Bard, Sorcerer, Druid, or Monk.))  
 Thief, ((Requires Rouge))  
 The background given here will be the first few announcements in your matches.  

 After that, the NPC Slave Trader rally's you and 3 others and takes
you to a next scene on the ramp platform in front of a crowd. Then
Boasts to the crowd each slave and auctions them off. You get taken by a
Human Man name Fenron Heirin, of the House of Heirin. You are taken to
his Ludus. You spare a few NPC's to level 2 then are given your first
fight in the arena. NPC's Are in the stands and the magistrate gives the
intro, the two ludus owners do, and then you fight, you do this for a
while uncovering a plot within the House of Heirin, furthering side
plots opens the door for a revolution, not, allows you to keep fighting
in the arena, becoming champion, fighting double matches, grand
spectacles, animals, two on one, three on one. And of course at the end
of every fight, the crowd influences the magistrate to have the fallen
be killed or live.  
 Winning fights of grand specticles
grants favor and could be rewarded with freedom ((Witch then goes into
the path of power but slightly different.))  
 The path to
power basically reverses the roles, puts you in as the leader of your
own ludus given from your father. Go and find more slaves, pick from a
few different training excersises by speaking with your doctorie. And
put on parties, talk with a specific slave girl in order to organize a
party, pick the quality of wine, and food, and then one diversion on a
list of many, from showcasing the gladiators, to hosting a private
match, to a auction of your own, to a night filled with drugs and
fornication. Exploring the side quests of the guests opens doors for you
to climb the ladder of favor, possible become magistrate yourself? Talk
to your henchmen to plan a mugging, murder, or theft. All this costs
coin and what do you start with?  
 500 Gold and 5 Gladiators.  

 Be careful how many gladiators you sacrifice, they could revolt or try
to poison you, also be weary on your activity, to be sure you are not
being plotted against.  
 Missions from, helping a friend
with coin, finding out attempts on you and clearing them up to making
attempts yourself, even put yourself in the arena for extra favor. Get
letters of invitation to games and other luduses to participate in their
 Their is so much more in detail but this is
just the outline to the beginning.

By the way, it is not just a arena! It is so much more. Real great chance at being a PW as well.  

 I have no skills nothing but ideas, but I do have Dialogs, I just gave
you a breeze through. I will check out that other forum. I would need
to take a look at the HAK Packs. Also Roman Influence, not Roman. Magic
will be low level, races will be fully available. Perma-Death will be
the rule of thumb. Given at special matches, such as a no quarter match,
or Championship. Also the path of slavery introduction exaction is
perma, but most not unless you are given thumbs down unless you give the
Missio. It adds to the value of life, so be careful who you betray.  
 Same thing with the path of power, perma death.  

 Also their will only be a few houses, and positions are like a job,
you can move up the ranks, if you have purchased your freedom, you can
work in another house, in service, or to plan some skulduggery. Friends
will be rare, and the world will seem a little too hardcore for most.
But let us face it, if you die, it is not a sufficient price to loose
xp. It will also be like forced rules, do not be obnoxious or rude, or
caught plotting, also treat your Domonis.  
 I just do not
know scripting, nor the actual building, HAK Packs I can do most work on
but another opinion is not going to hurt.  Can anyone assist?



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Module Idea (Premium Concept, looking for team to build.)
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 10:14:44 pm »

               The desc of Path to Power is for Single, and the PW Version will have your slave start with 1000 coin from what he earned as a glaiator, he will need to own a ludis to have more then one loyal slave.

Also NPC Bots will be fought against with some PvP matches, a working system should allow a gladiator to begin a fight with a npc for training or in the arena for coin, and can only do one fight a day in NWN time.

Loyaty will be like allignment, with the obvious Lawful good being the most loyal and Chaotic evil being the most unloyal if the allignment of the ludis master or misstress was LG and visa versa.

I have the story of the FP and the PW story and encounters and all the talking and story telling to make it so real, I am also going to make audio files for many many voices, and nearly everything in conversation from a NPC will be audio i have some friends that are willing to help me with this in person, I just do not know what the recoding volume needs to be.

I am looking for anyone to build environments, Scripts, programing, and anything else that is required.