I can't go by your list, since it doesn't mention the first "aspect" of all in my always so humble :innocent: opinion:
'meaning redmokah for instance, in that case. Something personal which can be seen or felt in any of the "aspects" you mentionned, and, to return to your list, and to second Olivier, again... most of the time in the story.
I played many amazing, challenging, perfect, skilled, whoooaaa! modules where the most important thing was missing:
A soul
An identity
Like when you can say, this is a Stefan Gagne's, Baldecaran's, Valine's, Fester's Pot's, Fabien Cerutti's, ADK's, ...’s game just by landing on the map.
But, and this is the magic, feeling home. Just a new one.
Some of those jewels are even empty, minimalist, story only. Pure.
Only, when you open the first door, you know who you are entering.
Now, redmokah, be amazed to discover how amazing you are. And don't forget humility on the way.
I almost did...
But I got lucky again. I always do.
And neither to let us snow.
The other question would be why being that stupid with making a module for nothing.
I believe I found the answer in the process itself.
And again the answer is you. You, among thousands of lazy and ungreatful players decided to offer some fun to others, to share you soul, to have the world benefit from your special flavor... and waste two years of your life...
Only because you might be hiding somewhere on the road?
It’s quite an adventure you’re about to enter, redmokah.
Now, if you wanna write the module you’re born for, do me a favor, a favor to all of us:
Forget about us right away. We shouldn't be around anyway. Become, and only if you do not fulfill that upmost important requirement already, the selfishest SOB around.
Have fun first, and only so, we will.
If you don't make yourself smile, we won't.
Before sharing, we need some material to share.
"Nothing is lost, nothing is created."
Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 23 février 2011 - 07:34 .