Author Topic: A new NWN mod by Adam Miller ? Really ?  (Read 2399 times)


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A new NWN mod by Adam Miller ? Really ?
« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2010, 09:25:56 am »

                No **spoilers!** warning there, 'FP?



Legacy_Eternal Phoenix

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A new NWN mod by Adam Miller ? Really ?
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2010, 05:20:55 pm »


Fester Pot wrote...

Elton John is dead wrote...

Fester Pot wrote...

Don't bother downloading unless you want fire to send to the Admins of the Vault to let them know of the graphic, sodomy module they are. It seems to stem from a few bad builders or one builder who was not happy with low votes for their module.

You can read all about it here in the first three threads.

Wish I knew what module they're talking about. A link in the first thread goes here where the comments that started all of this seem to be from on the Vault and from what I gather reading the above threads, it's a module made by a The-Holy-One but there is no such user on the NWN Module side of the Vault, so I can't find the damn thing. I want to download and play it to see what all the fuss is about.

Drama, drama, drama, even after 7 years. '<img'>


The-Holy-One had his modules voted down by trolls. He reported them and they were banned:



I just checked the module titled "The End" that was made by the trolls and I am most certainly not downloading it after I saw Loghain in bed with King Calian. 

Umm... The End is being kept up to date by Differ, who has an account name on the Vault as Differently. This Differently gave a perfect 10.0 vote to this very module which snapple, llollerbye and karsh kale, along with jeeperscreepers gave a 1.0 to 3.0 scale vote for.

If you reference the vault forum and read this thread, you can find another module that was uploaded under The End.

And in that thread, the jeeperscreapers account makes a post about a new module to download (target file Save As: Urgortath_the_great_escape_from_dungeon_slax.mod), which can also be found as a module under The End's entries. This makes jeeperscreapers either the same person or a friend of Differently who gave the perfect vote on THIS module. For this module, If you scroll down, although the comments have been disabled, you can still view them.

At the bottom of the page, it reads - "Click this Link to post your comments in the author's forum".

One can easily view the perfect 10 vote by this Differently account. Click their name, followed by view users's submissions and you'll see they are the true author and caretaker of The End and all entries within.

One can also find the votes and comments of players relating to this particular module, including those low votes, along with an Adam Miller account, who also gave a perfect 10 vote for, which this entire thread is about and who also uploaded an individual module that was removed by the admin of the Vault (called The_Snapple) but can now be found under The End's module entry.

This would also mean that the Adam Miller account is a fake and possibly a friend or the same user as Differently. The individual module by the fake Adam Miller account was removed by the Admin of the Vault YET it is magically avaialble under The End. So either Differently downloaded the module before it was removed by the Admin and appeneded it to The End OR they had it all along. Doesn't matter at this point. Either it's the same user or a friend and the end result is the same - a module that was removed is still available under a different entry and in a funny twist, uploaded on the very same day.

So... how did I find the module in question? When you view the vote page, the second vote references a LINK (it's made by a user account called OneOone) to a page off the Vault to a module series called The Mystic Journey. Doing a search of this very name on the Vault returns the following modules -

The Mystic Journey - Armon's Tale
The Mystic Journey - Ravid's Tale
The Mystic Journey - Ubadah's Tale

When the vote page is loaded, you'll notice an &id tag in the URL which is "&id=6209"

When you load a module page, it uses this same id reference number. Out of all three modules, it is Ubadah's Tale that has a matching "&id=6209" number.

This would be the module in question that has caused the modules under The End to be created, in my opinion, to target the members of the community who gave low 1.0 to 3.0 votes on a module where the author may have expected higher votes for their time, effort and story telling.

To me, it's this Differently/Differ character who voted a perfect 10 on the module that's the true troll for continued uploading of modules under The End, which are just conversational rape modules of those playing the game. I suppose there's nothing wrong with that except they're attempting to pass it off as members of the community who voted low on a module, let alone attempt to pass them off as an Adam Miller module when anyone who has been in the community know it is not his true account name on the Vault.

Obviously someone is a little sour at the low votes they received and has made retalitory modules now listed under The End.

Perhaps at this point, it might be best for the author of the module to contact the Admin of the Vault and ask for the 1.0 votes to be removed or to be expanded on. In the years I've experienced in the community, most 1.0 votes with no stake in WHY it's voted so low don't stick, unless of course the voter in question can give detailed reasons as to why they did not like the module to help the author make their module better. In the case of the 3.0 vote, I personally don't see anything wrong with it as it does go into detail.Every author should attempt a dialog with the voter to better understand their point of view as well as make suggested improvements to the module as a whole.

That's my take on it based on the posts and links I've come across and followed for the past two days.

Thanks to the OP for bringing this to our attention. We builders need to stick together and for the Adam Miller module - it's a fake. I'm surprised you even needed to ask. Shame on you! ':wizard:'


Differ or Differently or whatever his name is mentions that the Dungeon module is not his. It's obvious he created the rape modules though since he admits so. JeepersCreapers and all of the others (apart from two who voted 4 and 6 points on one of those modules) who voted one point are trolls and the Vault Admit beyondthepale banned them:


I don't see why any of this happens. There's been around 30 modules or so for NWN this year and it's an 8 year old game. The community could at least support the module creators regardless of if they enjoyed the module or not, polite criticism should be used as well. Saying "terrible, terrible module, 1 star, worst module ever, it sucked, the author didn't even try" doesn't help anyone.

The author of The Mystic Journey also made the series called The Forts. He goes by the name of KingdomofGlory on the boards:


When we view this link:


We see an account recently made called KingDomofChlorine, this is an obvious troll account with the attention of annoying KingdomofGlory. Obviously KingDomofChlorine is KickBong and various other alias who votes modules 1 stars as revealed in this thread: 


The Mystic Journey was obviously targeted by that user as was Beerbaron72's modules. To be honest, the person who voted those modules one star with various accounts probably doesn't even play NWN and is just an troll with the intention of annoying people by voting their modules down. Pretty sad and a waste of life if you ask me.


                     Modifié par Elton John is dead, 04 décembre 2010 - 05:30 .



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A new NWN mod by Adam Miller ? Really ?
« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2010, 07:27:51 pm »

Ok, so that's the answer to the riddle '<img'>
I had someone (Jeeparcreepers) vote 10.0 for my mod, leaving a message I was unable to decipher until now -- "i so*bleep* this mod made me gay im snapple btw". I even replied, asking them to translate that to plain English, but they didn't follow it up '<img'>


                     Modifié par CheeseshireCat, 04 décembre 2010 - 07:28 .


Legacy_Eternal Phoenix

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A new NWN mod by Adam Miller ? Really ?
« Reply #33 on: December 06, 2010, 07:36:05 pm »

               Just for anyone wondering...


This is the infamous Snapple warned contains much swearing and sexual...stuff..

Someone on the IGN boards posted the link, it seems the download still exists but not the page.


                     Modifié par Elton John is dead, 06 décembre 2010 - 07:36 .


Legacy_Fester Pot

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A new NWN mod by Adam Miller ? Really ?
« Reply #34 on: December 06, 2010, 09:23:08 pm »

               Give it a rest already.



                     Modifié par Fester Pot, 06 décembre 2010 - 09:23 .


Legacy_Eternal Phoenix

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A new NWN mod by Adam Miller ? Really ?
« Reply #35 on: December 07, 2010, 03:14:34 pm »

               Says the guy who wrote a 15 paragraph message. I know people would be wondering what this Snapple module was, so I posted it here. There's no harm in that.




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A new NWN mod by Adam Miller ? Really ?
« Reply #36 on: December 08, 2010, 05:42:38 pm »


Fester Pot wrote...

Thanks to the OP for bringing this to our attention. We builders need to stick together and for the Adam Miller module - it's a fake. I'm surprised you even needed to ask. Shame on you! ':wizard:'


Of course I realized it was some such thing. I was simply being subtle. Weavers of the Auren society are noted for discretion.