I was looking at the seasonal variations that people make for tilesets and irritated by how many resources it requires when I wondered if NWNCX could just handle this kind of texture swapping.
Would it be possible to enable an artist to generate seasonal variations of textures for a tileset, follow a simple naming convention, and through NWNCX swap the seasonal variants in play?
Basically what I am asking for is the ability to tell the client to use texture B in place of A, and then at some other time tell the client to switch back from B to A. The server would need to communicate this to the client, and I suspect that the setting of local variables on the module is the way this is directed. Given that a tileset has lots of textures, I think we would need matching pairs of data in lists: column A of the list containing the names of the original textures, and column B containing the names of the replacing textures.
Anyway, its a rough thought and we might already have the ability to do this, but I am ignorant of it.
I was looking at the thread about NWNCX VFX stuff, and became hopeful for the feature of texture swapping to be more broadly applied.