Oh fantastic!
I'm starting to get my hands "dirty" with linux as well an even though I know how to setup a Ubuntu VPS, iptables, set ssh for keypair only connections, apache2/ngix and even compiling nwnx2 on a Ubuntu 12.04 VPS that has nwserver setup I never actually setup Jenkins - let alone to be able to hook Jenkins into SVN/Git plus hook into the Neverwinter Nights Toolset.
Because of the limitations of the forum post size I was thinking about adding it to a wiki somewhere after I go through the tutorial myself and add in little notes I've added into my notepad during my self teaching of linux (for example setting chmod of the nwnserver directory to the user that nwserver runs under so any files added it will have the correct file permissions).
So basically sort of like a guide from a user spinning up their first VPS, getting nwserver running, compiling nwnx2 and adding in your tutorial so even if its just two people that are friends working on a mod they have the benefits of version control if they wish to undo something.
After that's done I'll probably put it on a wiki - more then likely http://nwn.wikia.com/
As that is your tutorial what licence have you placed onto it? ( https://creativecommons.org/choose/MIT/ GPLv2/3 etc) I would prefer to do the right thing and give credit where credit is due.