I certainly respect your opinion about HoTU and even the other campaigns...
However (always a however) I cannot help but be a bit of a neigh sayer.
The Original Campaign was "rushed for Financial reasons" (Atari and other complex business reasons)...
The SOU campaign was instantly a hate it or love it campaign due to "Deekan and the whole slavery bit"... the cliff hanger ending (it was also very buggy in its day in a certain temple of undead)
Yes HoTU was a pinnacle.
However the 2 OC's prior to HOTU both were amazing campaigns in their own time and generated a lot of praise. It seems to me that a fair amount of revisionist apologies are made for what is a very very good game.
There were legions of Aribeth Fan-bois and Aribeth threads. Her pivotal moment in the plot spawned countless conversations. SOU too had many many ardent supporters that applauded the artistic decision to hold the player antagonist "hostage" to events and not be yet another super powered Faerunian demi god.
Forgive me but this is overly criticed now a days.
One must remember there is "nothing new In D&D since the 1980's.
The 3 OCs all borrowed liberally from earlier works be it Baldurs Gate, or PnP (Against the Giants, Against the Drow series especially).
HoTU evokes significant elements of Baldurs Gate - Shadows of Amn... (hmmm underdark Mind Flayers, Beholders, Undead all near a Drow city !) and so I personally agree with you.
I just wound not go so far to critic the other OCs as HoTU represented the 3rd OC at the peak of development including all the benefits of community contributions.
I still run through the 3 OCs from time to time