Leveling up to OWN the OC.... HAHA!
Hell I took it a step further, spawning in items using the console (standard HOU items)...
And giving my Character like Super Stats (Strength / Intel / etc)...
But, you can only stand smashing goblins and lackeys to smithereens with natural epic frey (fray?) abilities so much before you get bored to death...
That's why I built other adventures to smash on that was more up to par to a more "uber" like character...
If there is no challenge, your underarms won't be sweating, you won't have to "Take a break" from the intense action, and the game loses a lot of it's appeal...
There are 3 ways to play NWN in my honest opinion...
You can Watch It (More like Read It in the case of massive dialogue, hence RP)
Kill It (Uberliciousness either by editing your character or gaining uber stuff naturally)
Enjoy it (This can be done in a wide variety of ways, milage may vary)
You determine how you wanna roll those dice...
The OC to me, was good for a round or 3, but anything beyond playing it 3 times just was like, meh, too much to me.
Learn to build & script, at least you can test & play with your own creations, muahahaha!
Modifié par _Guile, 08 mai 2012 - 02:50 .