Author Topic: Arche Terre  (Read 848 times)


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Arche Terre
« on: June 25, 2014, 02:55:08 pm »


Arche Terre


GameSpy category : Social RP
Server name : FR - Arche Terre
Module name : Arche Terre
Direct connect :

Language : French and English


Web Site :

Forum in english :


Required hakpaks :


Game Type : Social RP (Reserved for adult only)

World Type : Medieval/Fantastic with Technologie

Server Link  :


Team of Arche Terre :


Anamorphose : Administrator/DM/Builder (French and English team)

Ombre : DM/Builder (French team)
Dungeon Master alias DM Manshack : DM/Builder (English team)


Welcome to Arche Terre.

The world of your future adventures is based on the medieval/fantasy/SF inspiration.

Arche Terre is a social RP server where you may be faced with anachronisms desired because we leave the world of eternal RO even if we use AD&D for a part of the server.

What matters here is your imagination and what you have on your character because you alone will be responsible for your story.

MD are there only as potential referents, but minimally as facilitators, wanting Arche Terre like a standalone module .

The arrival

By logging in for the first time, you find yourself in a transition zone where you will be asked your age group.

The server is reserved for an adult audience, you must be over 18 years old (18 in Above the menu).

Once your response is complete you will have to pass the door after the fountain. It is possible that it disconnects you, do not worry, this is normal.

Reconnect just then.

For your second connection, you will end up in the transit area OOC .

This area will allow you to customize your character to your arrival in Arche Terre.

It is :

* An area of ​​AFK,

* An area of ​​arena OOC to test your builds (In arena area, death does not result in loss of xp and gold),

* An area with an NPC that allows you to change the settings of your character,

* Areas of craft.

You will also find the OOC tables with useful informations.

I advise you to read because the server has a lot of interesting use systems.

Once your character ready, you simply go through the door leading to the Arche Terre world.

You will be teleported directly in the House of Friends, an inn where you can link you to a stone " Bind stone" that you connected to the County of Mur.

Here begins your new adventures and discovery of the your world.


When creating your character, no need to choose your appearance, you can customize it as you see fit in the OOC area.

A short description of your character is always nice to read, think of it .

You can specify in your description the following codes :

* White : what do you like very, very much ingame,

* Green : What do you particularly like,

* Orange : what you like moderately,

* Red : what you don't do at all.

The rest menu/Player Tools offers a variety of systems that will allow you to do many things with your PC.

The systems used on the game

All characters start at level 1 and can go up to level 40 by going hunting areas ( Featured exploring the world ) as much as for xp to find the resources to forge.

For equipment, Arche Terre works with a system that forge allows you to customize your own equipment.

You will find the basic items to forge to the House of Craftmens in Mur County.

The world of Arche Terre is a very free world, however, consider respect other players and game codes for better relaxation.

That's it. If you have any questions, ask it only in PM to members of the Team.

Thank you for having taken knowledge of this topic .

We wish you have much fun on our server.

Good game to you !


Our rules : http://forum.sinfar....hp?f=191&t=7215





Welcome to the County of Mur




Clubs on the docks




Zao the Healer




The realtor and the locksmith (Exemple of interior)






The Post Office




Port Embria (The Surroundings)












Port Embria (The City)










Che'El Oloth (Drow city)














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Arche Terre
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2014, 02:55:41 pm »


The Desert of Sambrune






















Bourg de Mur










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Arche Terre
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2014, 09:36:40 pm »


Interiors Drow












Interiors Modern


















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Arche Terre
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2014, 10:22:41 am »


Event yesterday night : Summer Solstice Party !


(We make an event each month at the Club with the participation of builders with a new theme)


Show with dancers and bards

Date Auction

Pet Auction

Contest for the best mermaid and triton !
























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Arche Terre
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2014, 10:35:57 am »


The World of Arche Terre



What is the Nexus ?

The Nexus is an entity in constant expansion that gave birth to the universe in which all life appears, whatever its form.

This is the origin of everything.

Among these forms of life are the Galaxies, primary children of the Nexus.

To date, it has not been possible to count how many Galaxies are born from the Nexus but we can imagine that there are a significant number.

Within galaxies, we find Stellar.

Stellar are the offspring of the latter.

It is in the vital system of Stellar where we found suns, moons and planets.

And it is in the Stellar Arche of the Skarsgäärd Galaxy (The oldest Galaxy of the Nexus) that there is the planet Terra Prime, the land of your birth.

The Stellar Arche

The Stellar Ache has ten planets, a giant sun and two moons.

The planets are the following :

* Frigia

* Stratos

* Korba Secondus

* Demetra

* Parthéna

* Ive

* Korhg

* Sierra Datoïne

* Terra Prime

* Elyséa

Both moons are Ixo and Axis.

They are known as the twin moons.

Terra Prime

The planet Terra Prime is the most important planet of the Stellar Arche.

This is where it finds the Consortium, a sort of parliament bringing the most powerful instances of different planets.

There is a single continent, an area equivalent to a quarter of the planet, the rest being covered by water.

This continent is named Arche Terre, in tribute to the Stellar Arche.

Inside Arche Terre are two inland seas : the sea of Arkadia and the sea of Storms.

The Arkadia sea has an archipelago of three islands.

This is the archipelago of Croissant de Lune (The Crescent Moon), so named because of its shape.

This archipelago have 3 islands :

* Turquoise

* Hivernale

* Paradisia

The Sea of Storms has only one island : Corne-Brume, a hostile place at any point.

The planet is experiencing several types of climates following where you are.

This ranges from fleece arid through temperate.

Several territories graze.

The most importants are :

* Les terres de la Fédération (The lands of the Federation)

* La Ceinture de Malakar (The Belt of Malakar)

* Sambrune, le désert de feu (Sambrune, the Desert of Fire)

* Le comté de Mur (Mur County)

* Les Marais de Malleboge (The Malleboge Swamps)

* Les terres d'Arkadia (The lands of Arkadia)

* Finkael'Lyn, la cité engloutie (Finkael'Lyn, the Sunken City)

The largest city is located on the lands of the Federation : Antebellum.

The smallest is in the Mur County and is named : Bourg-de-Mur.




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Arche Terre
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2014, 10:39:02 am »


The Mur County

Mur County is one of the knowning lands of Arche Terre.

It is located in a temperate zone and situated in a pleasant climate throughout.

The County is led by the Comtesse Borgiane Aresthor and the Council of Three formed of :

* Barathéor Sestus from the Guild of Craftsmen

* Ariane De Melifan, Hierophant of the Tower of Ruby

* Melisfael Grieve, General of the Armies of Mur

The County has a large number of arable lands to a significant local production.

Trade is flourishing and the entire population lives in good conditions.

The County is truly a great place to live.

Around the great city wall, there are small hamlets, the most famous is Bourg-de-Mur.

The Mur County forms a part of the Federation.

This is the place to start your adventures.

Laws in Mur County

1 * Kill someone on the streets are forbidden.

2 * Nudity is allowed.

3 * Multiple weddings are allowed.




To the west of Mur is Port-de-Mur, the coastal village with its fishermen and its nice little houses.

The village is under the jurisdiction of the Countess, however, it has a local representative named Femur Bandemisaine, an old Fishing Captain a little grumpy.

The Sea of Arkadia provides largely what to fill port warehouses and market stalls .

To the west, the road continues to the Mur Forest, while to the north, you can reach the cemetery of Mur Crown.

Maritime transit trade is mainly done here. It is common to see many sailors to come across Arche Terre.

Finally, it is known that a gypsy a little bit eccentric makes the attraction of the village in her caravan.

Its says that she has a gift worthy of Oracle, but also says that she knows easily relieve you of your few gold coins pulling you cards .

She is called the eccentric Mrs. Salma.

If you go to Port-de-Mur, do not hesitate to go see it, you will not be disappointed !




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Arche Terre
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2014, 10:50:35 am »


The Divinity of Arche Terre



Solaris is the universal deity by excellence.

He/she have not a chosen field in particular.

Also now well into the light in the darkness, he/she remains ambiguous.

It is said that he/she is complementary with Arakis, the god of mysteries.

He/she is represented by three faces, two on profile.



Arakis is a dark and mysterious god.

His field of predilection is the night, shade, preferably obscure things and mysteries.

It is considered complementary to the universal god Solaris.

He is represented by a beautiful blue mask white gold glacier carved.





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Arche Terre
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2014, 10:52:51 am »


The specific races of Arche Terre (Part one)


The Dranides
(Race and test created by Gajara)


General vision of the race

Dranid is the planet that was born, there are millennia, Dranides warrior and empire.

This people to the skin usually in shades of blue, whose legs are legs with hooves, was hostile to any form of different life.

The Dranides fundamentally changed their vision when their planet was destroyed by a comet. Now this people has only rare survivors, who, during the Big Bang, were on a mission outside their world.

Technologically, the Dranides use both the weapons most modern weapons.

Their warlike character are determined beings able to fight at the slightest opportunity .

They also have vessels, their shapes are typical : long and angular.

For a long time scientists were Dranides genetics specialty of their empire.

Before the explosion of Dranid, they proceeded to cloning and genome modification Dranide.

Now that the empire is long gone, there are only a few remnants of this propensity to change Draniques genes, represented by some of the survivors of the people.

There were temples on their planet.

The Dranides had a polytheistic religion.

There were both priests shamans in certain tribes in remote regions Dranid.

There were many religious representations in paintings.

The music was also widely used by temples for calls to prayer on the first day of each month average. Each Dranide priest had to follow a very strict religious code.

This code was written in a book of one thousand two hundred pages given to each man of faith.

Do not believe in deities Draniques was not punishable or frowned upon.

On this point the empire was rather free and fair.

In terms of food, feed Dranides mainly for their muscle building foods, even food via syringe liquid foods when they are out of their world.

The "good food" is unknown to the people.

More details of the Dranique science

The Children-Tubes

The warrior empire Dranique saw only by production mass of soldiers.

The science of cloning was not a taboo for them.

Children tubes were common on Dranid.

Raised from a young age to hold a weapon, child-tube Dranide was created for purely military purposes.

Modification of the genome

As the population Dranide were struggling to renew due to incessant wars against neighboring systems, the empire was sometimes alter the genome of its people to allow reproduction throughout the year even outside the world. The female population is predominant in Dranides.

We then easily guess why change the genome Dranique interested empire.

The science of weapons

Dranid on, you could see much movement called "prehistoric" weapons (swords, rapiers ....) more modern weapons (blade energy, magnetic weapons).

Before the explosion of the planet, the empire was developing weapons of planetary destruction.

Dranide medicine

Rather effective, Dranide medicine is a science that leaves no room for doubt.

Plants and medicines can cure a lot of ills.

Bacteriological warfare

Sometimes, in order to weaken the enemy army, dispersed Dranides extremely contagious diseases on the planet they were besieging.

These diseases were dropped through fast and stealth vessels.

In the case of germ warfare, the Dranides were advanced equipment anti-bacterial.

More details of the Dranique Religion

Revered priests

Priests are mostly men Dranides.

Although these people should be free to believe or not to deities, all Dranides respect priests.

They follow fervently complex code written in a book of over a thousand pages.

Arts for religion

The Dranique religion uses the arts to represent biblical scenes.

It is expressed both by music, painting, writing, and through the theater.

An ancestral language

Draniques the prayers are spoken in an ancient language.

It is called the Vyl'Anor.

The writing is close Vyl'Anor Nordic Futhark.

Religious superstition

Whether they are believers or not, Dranides still adorn their vessels Vyl'Anor runes.

In general, we often find the Conquest runes, protection and efficiency.

More details on the exodus of the last Dranides

A fallen empire

Following the destruction of their planet, the Dranides are little more than illegal selling their services combatant or doctors.

Nothing exists except the empire that Dranides could keep up with them out of their world.

Tyrants galactic survivors

The Dranides no longer have the strength of yesteryear.

There are only rare representatives of this species now.

They have no interest in waging wars and conquests.

They were , by force of the tragic end of Dranid, forced to be much more sociable and less bellicose.

And above all, to forget their out-of-common racism.

In search of a legend

The Dranides believe that race can still thrive with a sister planet to theirs.

However, nobody has ever found this so-called planet that is mentioned in the Bible yet Dranique.

This planet contains a gigantic monolith that, according to their bible, give immortality to anyone pose foot on the soil of the planet.





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Arche Terre
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2014, 11:12:09 am »


The specific races of Arche Terre (Part two)


The Dree  (Forgotten race)
(Race and text created by Anamorphose)


(Warning before reading : the forgotten races are a personal creation. You can choose to embody them, respecting their history.).

Forgotten Races

There a long time, well before Toril is what it is, the world housed various creatures and races, with time, eventually not only extinguished, but by departing from the spirit of communities. ..


This particular breed, born well before the onset of gods and dragons and elves, could be likened to hungry predators of power, blood and sex.

In its heyday, the City of Wilparell, dark, beautiful and terribly exotic housed within it the proud and conquering people. Its high walls were stretched to a never plunged into eternal night sky, as if a powerful magic left solar eclipse star subtle rounding of the moon.

Although often confused with vampires or demons, Drees belong neither to the one nor the other. This is a humanoid race, however with a particular organization.

Indeed, their power of regeneration is surprisingly effective and it is growing with time.

Saliva and blood has a high aphrodisiac enzyme which acts on all forms of creatures, their skin as releasing a fragrance which attracts and entices fatal as a carnivorous plant.

Note that according to their emotions, their pupils change color.

Drees a thoroughbred is often large, having a body of rare beauty, but not perfect.

The gestation period of a Drees is three months, knowing that an individual may give birth to two to three children at the same time. It happens that some of them are born winged or horned. The only constants are that their skin is always immaculate whiteness, the ability to regulate their temperature and this aura they give off, making them fascinating to other races.

A blood-red, fragrant and slightly sweet in their veins.

They can mate with various creatures, but then their blood is diluted and no longer has the same original strength. They have a special attraction for unorthodox creatures, worshiping playing with fire.

The Drees need to survive, to feed on blood and juices produced during the act of love. It is extremely rare that Drees gives death to prey upon this act. As it is rare that prey is chosen randomly.

Indeed, Drees like to surround himself with a harem of colorful characters and having a superior intelligence, although, as stated above, a soft spot for bad boys or bad girls.

If they are truly committed to a creature, they can make their donation of blood, sharing some of their immortality with their prey. Thus were created the armed Drees, consisting mainly of mixed blood.

Their love of conquest pushed them to travel the world, however, return to the city is a perpetual need.

There's still so much to say about these creatures, but some information remain obscure.

Over time, the Drees eventually disappear, although not always know how.

At present, there are only seven pure and sterile living members having blood through the millennia: three males and four females. The mixed bloods representing only thousands of hidden within the city of eternal night individuals, a colorful place where he does not live if demonic or strange creatures we loathe.

Namely, as Lifars (another forgotten race), the Drees not believe in any god, even if they know them well. They prefer the cloak of night to the light, but face the sun is not a problem for them.

Currently, often worn by boredom, they travel the world, such curious observers and sensations hungry ...




Physics : drees always have a white skin (light gray in the color palette). Eye color vary (red, violet, blue, green, etc ...). They can be born adults (Wings dragons in the palette and black raven wings for Messenger specific drees) or horned. They are usually quite large and fascinating beauty. The drees have dared to hope and extremely long life yet undetermined to date. Drees a thoroughbred has no age limit. Attention despite their easy regeneration, they can be killed, but still need to know how.

Psychology : The drees blood melee retains pride of his people in his blood. It is a predator. Most are LM, NM, rarely CM. Drees a blood melee can not be neutral, neither good. They have a minimum of 12 intelligence and charisma of at least 14. They have very little wisdom (8-10 maximum). The priests, paladins or monks did not exist in drees, much less the Druids. Most are seasoned warriors, rangers, rogues, sorcerers or wizards (Technomages specifically). Also encountered some bards.

Most drees hard for blood to see other races as inferior. However, they use their intelligence to use them : a drees never strikes lightly.

There are still exceptions : some drees, older, may be in love with one. If this is the case, it is surprisingly faithful to that person, passionate in his statements, did not hesitate to give his life for the beloved. A paradox.

Most drees remaining on Toril or in the city of Wilparell are observer time. They may live in boredom, plotting, fighting between houses. There is a powerful downward nobility, 7 drees most powerful pure blood.

These houses are the following, in order of magnitude :

* The Imperial home : Drakke
* The Royal Family : Kane
* The house of the great bards : the Latrebelle
* The house Messengers : the Westera
* The house of the Generals : the Orloff
* The house Technomages : the Pandragon

* The house Unvaers : the Gideon (private house whose position could be upgraded to the imperial house).

These home are intimements related policy of the city.

Actually, the Empress of Wilparell and all the Drees is Iree Drakke :





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Arche Terre
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2014, 11:27:55 am »


The Lifar (Forgotten race)
(Race and text created by Anamorphose)



Since the dawn of time, Lifars travel and observe.

Ancient creatures, they remain a mystery to those who are lucky enough to cross their path.

The Lifars can be recognized by their horns and tails at the forefront "v". They are always very open minded, jovial and smiling. It is a peaceful people with a taste for partying.

Each Lifar borns with a specific gift, such as pastry, and an aptitude for art.

Indeed, magic is an integral part of these peaceful creatures.

Some even think they are the first cause of it since the dawn of time, but very few travelers have found the Crown of Great Unicorns, the city of the Lifar.

Besides their horns and tail in "v", the Lifars have other physical features two hearts, a pair of lungs coupled with a pair of gills (originally, they were an aquatic people) and pupils changing.

While speaking all languages ​​with art, they use Tilgan them, a complex language, the fascinating beauty mixture since the verb, gestures and eye color that changes according to the spoken words. To the untrained eye, it's almost like a dance, but this is far from being the case.

The Tilgan is sharp and very precise in the description and the power of words. It also relies on a powerful inner magic nimbus this extraordinary race.

A Lifar saw an average of about three millennia.

In this life, the Lifars love to enjoy all the goodness of life.

In addition, another feature of their research relates to the being who will share their way of life and who the other (soul life), the father or mother of their future children (the gestation period of a Lifar is 2 years and often, a house Lifar gives birth to thirty children).

A Lifar can love only once.

Something that may seem surprising, but is explained by their very nature and their great loyalty and by the fact that during the union, the lifetime is shared with the loved one.

This seems a little difficult to grasp at first, but it's simple.

When Lifar, after years of research, finally found his soul mate (they have a sixth sense to know), then they bind to this valuable be offering this unique love and half of their life time, dividing them into two (exemple : a Lifar meet an elf, he offers a millennium and a half of life more, but loses a millennium and a half of life).

During this sharing, and according to his rank, the Lifar can provide a valuable present to a loved one, according to the original house which it belongs.

There are several houses (think elves descended from Lifars, given their very, very close corpulence: the Lifar is rather slight, but none the less robust), the most famous being that of Lyvarii Great beeches which ancestral Hutride charge of a very powerful magic wand whose matter is alive and has a thought.

The Hutride, the Guardian Renewal Energies (who knows everything and always tells the truth), is now in the hands of a mortal (which shall remain nameless), husband of the Lyliarii Thell Shyr Akk Lyrulan the Fen Litan of Lifars South, large pastry and scribe, descendant of great Shitar Druss said "the star maker".

The Lyliarii is also one of the Seven Guardians of the Ethis powder.

This magical powder used in various recipes related to art in Lifars is composed of seven components.

Keepers know the recipe for a single component.

The manufacture of the powder Ethis takes place during the full moon.

Keepers meeting each with their component to concoct this magic powder at high content.

The ceremony took place in the Thyrie of Arblasts in the immense forest which houses the city Lifar, a hidden place and so enchanting that see with their own eyes is as a deep shock to the soul.

Note, if the greatest of misfortunes, a Lifar committed an abominable act, it would be banished from the forest and turn into Lifar of the Shadow, to the dismay of his original house.

The Lifars of the Shadow are extremely rare. They differ from their loss by a heart as black as jet and a lack of tail skin.

Often they hide and eventually futures crazy, abandoned to their fate of loneliness and grief of exile so far from the city (see the Great Crown of Unicorns and die ^ ^).

However, sometimes some of them survive, crippled by hatred and traveling on different continents to wreak havoc and destruction.

If having a Lifar in his friends is a sign of happiness, knowing a Lifar of the Shadow is the greatest misfortune that can fall on you. In ancient times, some other creatures frighten unruly children citing the names of the fallen creatures, that is to say !

As Drees, the Lifars have no gods, but alongside those that have emerged since the beginning of time. Lifar was a neutral nature and do not judge others. They are also well respected in the plane of the light than in the dark, which is paradoxical.

Now, primus (Lifar Thoroughbred) are only a thousand living in the Thyrie.

With millennia, they are diluted with other races, disappearing little by little. Having a love for travel has always been a lot of them are scattered around the world, and we can say, without exaggeration, a little of all creatures have blood Lifar unknowingly. This may also be why they are so respected. Difficult to deny prestigious ancestors.

What about others?

Well ... If you come across a real Lifar, ask you to mention the creation story and you'll have a good time, I can assure you ...