Author Topic: The Worlds of Rhun  (Read 943 times)


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The Worlds of Rhun
« on: April 10, 2014, 11:38:53 am »


Worlds of Rhun is the oldest and longest running (Rhunning) Lands of Rhun mod, and has been heavily customized over the 8 or so years that it has been in operation.

We have a small but loyal playerbase, but always looking for more players to join the ranks.


Our server has many features which were developed and implemented specially for Worlds of Rhun.


~~Feature List~~

Vampire Bloodline System - You can sire other players to be vampires (with their consent), gain a clan castle and accumulate blood points with xp gain, to purchase upgrades to evolve your vampire clan.


Stargate System - Worlds of Rhun is called Worlds of Rhun because we facilitate the travel to other 'Realms' or 'Worlds' within the server, this is done through a realistic Stargate mod of my own design.


Area/Dungeon Instancing - Many of our epic dungeons are instanced trials, which means we can have the same dungeon running concurrently with another parties instance. We also use instancing to allow players to own their own homes, castles, and planar strongholds.


Deity Subrace - You can actually create a God in Worlds of Rhun, acquire power through worship of NPC's and/or players, and vye for their devotion. Convert other God's followers to be your own, and become more powerful. God's have the ability to become invulnerable, unlimited spells, as well as having power over up to 3 portfolios, such as time, death, life, chaos, fire (over 30 portfolios to choose from, to create your unique deity)


Forum Integration - Because we don't want 'all' our players being god's without earning it, we allow you to earn 'credits' through forum posts. These credits can be used to purchase access to the God Sub-race for 1 month. This encourages forum / social interaction. Credits can also be awarded through in-game challenges, or for forum posts.


WebSite Integration - Our new .Net website '' allows for you to manage and control your servervault directly. You can safe delete from a web interace (to hide your character from server vault screen) or you can 'actually' delete your character - which is final. This integration is very powerful, but also secure. In order to link your user account on the site to the game, you need to get a 6 digit code/pin from the website, and then enter that code in-game in order to link your in-game account to your site account.


Removed Level Caps - First we introduced the Divinity System, where players could expand their level 40 experience to include the ability to 'level up' with pseudo levels. They would get 3 of their ability scores buffed permanently, and then get an upgraded divinity power (long cooldown AOE damage spell). Divinity Levels are acquired through completing trials, and defeating bosses. More recently, we have removed the level restrictions on the server completely. Everytime you gain a Divinity Level, you will actually increase by 1 NWN Level, even beyond level 40. (My vampire is level 75). The only limiting factor for the max level you can acquire, is the amount of time you are prepared to play for. Getting divinity points is not easy, but the rewards are surely worth it.


Custom Content - At Worlds of Rhun, we believe that we should be able to have custom content that caters to those who are willing to download it, but also allow entry to the server for those who don't want to download it. For this reason, we released and continue to release new version of the 'Rhun Downloader'. It is a C# application that will download music files, patched tlk files, and content for your override directory. Having this content will enhance your experience, but lacking the content will not prevent you from entering the server. You just wont hear music in selected areas, and some areas will be off-limits to you (where tile sets are required)

This is an opt in system, and by no means required, but definitely beneficial.


Spell and Incantation System

We have a system that allows you to perform magical effects through your voice in game.

toggling on incantation mode via saying ^incantation

will make the next thing you say be an incantation. If you say something like Incendio

it will trigger the burning spell (harry potter)

Playertool05 will then be your wand, and you can fire a Burning spell at your target.


Similarly, our ritual system is much more powerful.

^ritual to toggle it on, and then you must say 2 or more verses correctly in order to create the desired effect.

Many create spells that continue to affect the area around you for as long as you stay within the ritual circle, others require candles to be placed on the ground, which will determine the size of the circle you are confined to. 

Many of the rituals require concentration checks to maintain the effect.

Stepping out of a circle, or losing concentration can disrupt the ritual.

One of our popular rituals is the Roar of the Heavens ritual

'Crash of Thunder'

'Tears of the Heavens'

'I summon you now'

'To Appear'

'Lay low those who offend me'


On speaking the final verse correctly, and if you maintain control, you can summon a thunderstorm that will rain down lightning strikes on enemies within  30 ft of you every few seconds.



Worlds of Rhun borrows stories, characters, and ideas from many popular medias (my own favorite tv shows, games and books)

Vampires are themed after the Vampires of Nosgoth, infact Nosgoth is one of the worlds you can visit.

Fae are styled after the Faeries of True Blood.

Stargates from Stargate-SG1

L'Cie subrace from Final Fantasy XIII

Many Dungeons and Epic Bosses from Sources such as 

Final Fantasy XIII (Caius Ballad, and Bhunivelze), Maleficent (herself)



Worlds of Rhun can be direct connected to via the following address


please check us out at our forums

or our new site





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The Worlds of Rhun
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2014, 12:58:28 pm »


Some screenshots from Worlds of Rhun.

Facebook Album here - https://www.facebook...y/photos_stream


Direct Connect:


Register at

for features and gameplay addons.









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The Worlds of Rhun
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2014, 06:07:44 pm »


Been playing here on and off for a month or so. I love the world, always have loved Rhun and even have my own heavily modified version as well which I just don't have time to mess with anymore. I really like logging in and playing, I enjoy the planar rifts, forge additions, and other amenities that I have managed to find thus far and the players are great. I do however deplore the server going down often and for long periods of time (by going down I mean it disconnects me and disappears from the Neverlauncher listing and does not return for hours and/or days. I don't have any suggestions for that or even any insight but if it can't be found in one of the only and most relevant of search repositories the chance of gaining any new players goes down the tubes). Stability is a big thing especially when you have players who are very active in life they tend to embrace what little down time they have even more. I would have posted this on the forums but you have only Facebook registration allowable, I really do think this is killing a HUGE part of any player base you may gain. Extra hoops to jump through are never met with enthusiasm. Another thing I would like to point out is the lack of ability to contact anyone on your forums, if I did not know of the bioware forums and/or you specifically I would not be able to track you down here. You have no way to contact anyone in an admin position on the forums which again is really killing any potential player base you may garner. Perhaps a Contact Us page, or even an email link on your forum information?


Direct connect seems to work but having switched to Neverlauncher from the gamespy listing and not really ever direct connecting unless playing with a friend on a private hosted server I never bothered. The last time the server disappeared on Neverlauncher (two nights ago) I decided to look into direct connect and since I am now direct connecting I have not been disconnected as frequently but it still happens.


I hope that this is taken as it is meant to be, not as a complaint or troll but rather to point out some areas that need improving on an excellent and well thought out world. I look forward to logging in for some time to come and perhaps when I have more time helping out where I can.




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The Worlds of Rhun
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2014, 09:17:39 pm »

               Hi Birdman,
Always welcome to take constructive criticism.
To address your concerns about use of the forum etc I am going to look into a custom registration system that should allow you to register on the forum. The main reason the forum was set to allow facebook only registrations was mainly to prevent bots from registering and posting about cheap viagra pills.

While the forums are currently the main place to ask questions once you get registered, we also do have a new site that is being actively developed :
This site will be where the custom registration system will exist no doubt. I will try to get something up and running in the next day or so.

As for the server going offline.
There are occasional crashes that occur - not sure what the cause is: but too often they go un-reported, and I only realise the server has actually gone offline during random remote desktop sessions when I see that it failed to bind to the port assigned.
Once you get registered on the forum, you should be able to report such occurances, and help narrow down a potential cause.

Just out of curiosity, do you use the Rhun Downloader?
Its on the forum, but not sure if registration is required for download, once your registered, you should be able to make use of it.



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The Worlds of Rhun
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2014, 11:57:07 pm »

               As promised Non-Facebook Reg

You can register on this page to get post access to our forums.
This username can also be used to delete from your server vault once you link your in-game account with your logon.



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The Worlds of Rhun
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2014, 04:07:39 am »




Thanks for the quick response and quick registration update. I will give as much feedback as I can as far as server integrity, bugs, etc when time permits. I do not currently use the Rhun Downloader and that kind of stuck me today as someone put a portal to an area that apparently used content I did not have. I am currently stuck until a server reset or I download the content as I crash upon entry for obvious reasons. I would imagine there is some way to check for content existence and if a player doesn't have it disallow the teleport or pop up dialog to notify them?




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The Worlds of Rhun
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2014, 04:47:03 pm »


Hi Birdman + All

I think the stability issue is resolved.

I noticed occasionally the server would hang when I was remote desktop connecting to the server box, and it would go Not Responding.

When checking the logs it nwnx funcs and resman both suggested the source of the issue was a restock script that I was using to restock a shop.


I was spawning +25 items every hour or so in a shop, unfortunately, I didnt take into consideration the issue where hundreds of items in a shop can lag servers.

As such I have capped the restock script now to 25 items, meaning it will only top up the shop to 25 items every hour, instead of increasing its stock to numbers of 300+.


It seems to have helped with the stability.

The server has been up since the 18th with no crashes.

(It reboots every 3 days, so its due a reboot soon - tonight likely)


As for the checking for content existence : I will have a go at trying to get that working.

I do have code in place for normal transitions - where it will check if the tileset of the area you are going to is one that is custom, and if so, do you use the downloader. (If you have this set to No in your forum profile, it can read it from there)

It will block access for those instances.


Portals however are custom scripts, so they need changed in addition.


Was it a Travellers Charm portal, or another type of portal?




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The Worlds of Rhun
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2014, 03:06:47 am »




Not sure, I would assume a travellers Charm portal, if it was the standard hobby horse portal it wouldn't have crashed me unless of course you changed one of the obelisk areas to use a non-standard tileset. I will be playing a bit tonight so I will give feedback on performance on the forums now that I am registered.




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The Worlds of Rhun
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2014, 09:21:43 am »


Good point - the Travellers Charm is the yellow portal that doesn't give the destination name in the dialogue.

I think I will try to change that tonight or over the weekend to make the portals sense whether you have updated.