Full time, full benefits hosting is not cheap.
I'm guessing that there's not many NWN PW's that can afford it, seeing as how we're not supposed to make any profit off of our PW. All that cash comes out of our pockets.
Our PW is hosted from my bedroom. Our website is hosted from the cheapest place we could find that offered unlimited storage and had good customer service (
http://hostmatters.c...eb_hosting.html). We still have to do all of the work ourselves if we want a website on their machine though. I do highly recommend them to anyone needing hosting (Check the anniversary deal they have in the link!).
You may need to hire a webmaster and hosting service separately.
Hosting Matters does offer dedicated servers with 24/7 support, but that only extends to the server itself. Not your web site.
Modifié par wyldhunt1, 06 janvier 2012 - 04:45 .