Hopefully, this example will help. It si a tag based script for an weapon with a tag of electrification. It makes use of the on hit event to fire the code.
//:: Name: KMdS PNP Hard Core Rule Set 1.0
//:: System: KMdS Magic Systems
//:: SubSystem: KMdS AD&D Magic Items
//:: FileName: Electrification
//:: Copyright: (c) 2005 Michael Careaga
This is a tag based script for reproducing the pnp rod of electrification.
On any successful hit the rod will do 1d4+1 points of electrical damage and
use 1 charge to do so. The rod may be recharged by placing the rod on the
ground and casting a lightning bolt spell at it. The rod will recharge 1
point per hit die of damage done by the lightning bolt.
Viper Withering Wizardry
KMdS_Inc_Spells Spell_Suggestion Diplomacy
Electrification Spell_Entangle Spell_Web
Spell_HoldMons Flailing Spell_MageArmor
LordlyMight Ranike Spell_Resurrect
Smiting Splendor Equip_A_Rod
ThunderLightning Spell_DeafClang x2_s3_DeafClng
Spell_SoundBurst Spell_ThndrLtng Invisibility
//:: Created By: Kilr Mik d Spik
//:: Created On: 08/19/2005
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "X0_I0_SPELLS"
#include "x2_inc_switches"
#include "nw_i0_generic"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Recharges an items charges. Defauly increase is 1 charge.
void RechargeSpellCastingItem(object oItem, int nAdditionalCharges = 1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RechargeSpellCastingItem(object oItem, int nAdditionalCharges = 1)
SetItemCharges(oItem, GetItemCharges(oItem) + nAdditionalCharges);
}// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void main()
int nEvent = GetUserDefinedItemEventNumber(), nCharges;
object oPC, oItem, oTarget;
effect eVis, eBad;
// SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(),IntToString(nEvent));
// * This code runs when the item has the OnHitCastSpell: Unique power property
// * and it hits a target(weapon) or is being hit (armor)
// * Note that this event fires for non PC creatures as well.
// The item casting triggering this spellscript
oItem = GetSpellCastItem();
object oSpellOrigin = OBJECT_SELF ;
object oSpellTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
eVis = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_LIGHTNING_S);
eBad = EffectDamage(d4()+1, DAMAGE_TYPE_ELECTRICAL);
nCharges = GetItemCharges(oItem);
object oKMdS = GetLocalObject(GetModule(),"KMdS") ;
if(oKMdS != OBJECT_INVALID && GetLocalInt(GetModule(),"DEBUG"))
SendMessageToPC(oKMdS ,"The onhitcast event fired for the rod of electrification. Item charges were "+IntToString(nCharges));
SetItemCharges(oItem, nCharges -1);
SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(oPC, SPELL_ELECTRIC_JOLT));
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVis, oSpellTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eBad, oSpellTarget);
// * This code runs when the Unique Power property of the item is used
// * Note that this event fires PCs only
else if (nEvent == X2_ITEM_EVENT_ACTIVATE)
oPC = GetItemActivator();
oItem = GetItemActivated();
oTarget = GetItemActivatedTarget();
// * This code runs when the item is equipped
// * Note that this event fires PCs only
else if (nEvent ==X2_ITEM_EVENT_EQUIP)
oPC = GetPCItemLastEquippedBy();
oItem = GetPCItemLastEquipped();
object oPlayerSkin = GetItemInSlot(17, oPC);
itemproperty ipProp1 = ItemPropertyBonusFeat(IP_CONST_FEAT_WEAPON_PROF_SIMPLE);
IPSafeAddItemProperty(oPlayerSkin, ipProp1);
// * This code runs when the item is unequipped
// * Note that this event fires PCs only
else if (nEvent ==X2_ITEM_EVENT_UNEQUIP)
oPC = GetPCItemLastUnequippedBy();
oItem = GetPCItemLastUnequipped();
object oPlayerSkin = GetItemInSlot(17, oPC);
// * This code runs when the item is acquired
// * Note that this event fires PCs only
else if (nEvent == X2_ITEM_EVENT_ACQUIRE)
oPC = GetModuleItemAcquiredBy();
oItem = GetModuleItemAcquired();
// * This code runs when the item is unaquired
// * Note that this event fires PCs only
else if (nEvent == X2_ITEM_EVENT_UNACQUIRE)
oPC = GetModuleItemLostBy();
oItem = GetModuleItemLost();
object oPlayerSkin = GetItemInSlot(17, oPC);
//* This code runs when a PC or DM casts a spell from one of the
//* standard spellbooks on the item
else if (nEvent == X2_ITEM_EVENT_SPELLCAST_AT)
oPC = GetModuleItemLostBy();
oItem = GetModuleItemLost();
nCharges = GetItemCharges(oItem);
int nMaxCharges = 50 - nCharges;
if(GetSpellId() == 101 && GetItemPossessor(oItem) == OBJECT_INVALID)
int nCasterLevel = GetCasterLevel(oPC);
if(nCasterLevel >10) nCasterLevel = 10;
nCharges = GetCasterLevel(oPC);
if(nCharges > nMaxCharges) nCharges = nMaxCharges;
RechargeSpellCastingItem(oItem, nCharges);